When There's a Power Outage

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[A.N: The power recently went out and it was out for quite some time. It did give me some time to think up some new headcanons regarding the situation.]


-He was busy writing in his notes, when suddenly all his lights turned off. You were there at his house when it happened.

-He starts looking around for some flashlights and nearly trips over his boots.

-Ms. Inko finds some candles and lights them, setting them in strategic spots around the house so there would be the most light.

-Don't tell me this boy wouldn't have some kind of All Might flash light with him almost at all times. Change my mind. 

-Doesn't like extremely dark places (i.e- the bathroom) and will take his light with them.

-It got kind of cold there and he found some blankets to keep the both of you warm.


-Got really pissed when the power cut off. You were there at his house to witness the yelling and cursing of no power.

-His mom lit some candles and he almost knocked over one of them. All he did was spill a little wax and nearly got skinned alive by his mom.

-You thought it was hilarious.

-He had no problem keeping warm due to his quirk, but he makes sure to keep near you so you don't get too cold. 

-Doesn't matter, even if you like the cold, he's sticking close to you so you don't freeze on his watch.

-If you don't like the cold, then you're in luck: This is the one opportunity he will openly cuddle with you in front of his family.

-Had a backup generator... but there wasn't anymore fuel for it and he nearly broke it out of frustration.


-"Oh, the power's out? I didn't even notice."

-He has very little light in his room anyway so, the only way for him to know is if his clock has been turned off and his phone has no bars.

-You were there when it happened obviously.

-He gets up and starts finding some candles and other stuff to light. Natsuo and Fuyumi help with lighting some candles as well.

-He starts up the fire in the fire place because... why the frick not?

-Then the four of y'all start roasting marshmallows. Also because... why not?

-There's a backup generator that gets fired up and the powers back on... for a while. The generator then runs out of gas and shuts off, leaving you all in the dark once more.

-Using his fire side, he'll stay close to you and keep you warm.


-He got so excited for a power outage.

"Why is that a good thing?!" you yell.

"Because," he said, grinning. "Now we get to make a fort."

-Yes, this little ball of light makes you guys a freaking, full-on blanket fort.

-After getting some small lanterns and flashlights turned on, you take one of the lights into the fort and you two cuddle together until the end of the power outage.

-He's gonna bring snacks in there, you know that right?

-There's no backup power, so you guys just chill in the dark, hoping it'll come back on soon.

(Don't you dare tell me he doesn't have freaking light up crocs and he's wearing them the whole time.)

-He'll spend most of the time trying to play games with you and get you to laugh so you two can have some kind of fun.


-Like Kirishima, he got really excited there was no power. You were excited too.

-He tried to fire up the power from using his quirk, but he screwed up and short circuited himself instead.

-Snacks. Lots of snacks.

-You don't have to worry about losing battery power on your phone, he'll gladly charge it.

-He's got plenty of memes in his phone gallery, so you're pretty entertained for a while.

-When the memes run out, he's got plenty of jokes and cheesy pick up lines to throw at you.

-He tries to make a fort, but it keeps falling over.

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