Them as Things I Have Said/Done

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[A/N: Head empty, thoughts full: Enjoy the things that go on inside my head. And don't worry, we all have crackhead moments. Nobody's alone.]


Midoriya has his mumbling... and I space out a lot. Enough said.

Yes I have notebooks, don't judge me. I like to write. *murmurs* it's part of the reason why I'm here.


(This guys in my history class): Rock, paper, scissors- one round.

Me: Two out of three.

(The guy): One.

Me: *A bit more aggressively* Two out of three.

(The guy): *Starts laughing* Just one, come on.

Me: Two out of three or say goodbye to your knee caps!

Me: Hydrate or die-drate! (You can find this one in my conversations ;p)


Me: Everybody has that one rich friend.

Also me: Wait, I don't have a rich friend... *Realization* I am the rich friend! (I'm not saying this to be rude btw.)

*Comes up with wild fan theories in spare time*


Me: *Is laughing at lunch with my friends.*
*Falls out of my seat*

My friend: Omg, are you okay?!

Me: *Just sits there for a solid minute, still laughing*

My friend: *Complains about her backpack being heavy.*

Me: *Picks it up with one hand.* This is light.

My friend: *Stares in complete awe and thinks I have inhuman strength when in reality I'm just normal.*


Me: It's the final ~✨breakdown✨~ dew-na new new, dew na newt newt new, dew na new new (Don't tell me you didn't sing it in your head. I know, I see you.)

*Also quotes vines and memes on the daily*

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