Bakugou x Reader (College AU)

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[A.N: In this oneshot, UA is now a college and all the characters including reader are college aged.]

You were really excited today. You were moving out of your parents house into one of the dorms on the UA campus. You had been able to move most of the boxed up things yourself, but some other new students helped you out in carrying up some other pieces of furniture.

Finally, you'd gotten down to the last couple of boxes from the moving van. They weren't that heavy and you thought you could carry them all at once, but there was one problem: When stacked up, you couldn't see over them.

Carefully, you tried to slip your way though the mass of other college students. Your boxes almost fell over once, but you were quick to regain your balance.

Walking down the hallway to your dorm, you ran into someone and you dropped your boxes. You hoped nothing was broken inside.

"Hey, watch where you're going." a voice snapped. You shook your head to be met with an ash blond male student. He stared at you with vermillion eyes as you just sat there on the floor, your boxed up belongings scattered around you. You pushed yourself off the floor and narrowed your eyes at him.

"I'm the one carrying boxes here. If anything, you could've helped me 'cause I couldn't see!" you spat.

He scoffed. "Tch, whatever loser. Just be sure it doesn't happen again." And he left.

'Jerk/A**hole.' you thought. 'Well I guess everyone can't be nice to you.' You picked up your boxes again, hoping nothing rattled and alerted you that something was broken.

As you pushed the door open with your foot, you rubbed your elbow against the wall to find your light switch. You flicked it on and saw there were some one else's things next to yours. You remembered you'd be having a roommate. You hoped it wasn't that rude red-eyed guy you first ran into.

You left your room to go back down to the moving van to make sure you didn't forget anything, but on the way down, you saw the same guy brush past you with a couple of duffle bags in his hands and disappear into your room.

Forgetting the moving van, you turned to follow.

You stood in the doorway as you watched him unpack his clothes and put them into one of the provided dressers. He looked up and caught your reflection in the mirror. He turned and looked at you.

"What the h*** do you want?" he growled.

"Guess I wanted to get to know my roommate." you said coolly. [A.N: And they were roommates.]


"This is my stuff." you said, gesturing to all your belongings.

The blond sighed and ran a hand though his hair. "You've gotta be ****ing kidding me." He suddenly lifted his head, thinking you might have the wrong dorm number. 'Ha, moron.' he thought.

"Give me your schedule." he ordered. You fished the folded paper out of your back pocket and handed it to him. He snatched it from you and eagerly scanned the paper for your dorm number to prove you an idiot.

Nope. It was the same as his: number 473.

"S***," he cursed under his breath.

"On another note..." you said, slowly taking the paper away from him. "I'm (Y/n)"

"Bakugou," he said, not looking at you. "And don't you forget it."

'This is going to be a rough semester isn't it?'

Being roommates with Bakugou wasn't that hard so long as you kept your things on your side and neither of you said anything to the other, life was good. Both of you had to be careful of the other since you took classes in the day while Bakugou took his at night.

Slipping into your dorm one morning after a nine o'clock class, you found Bakugou asleep with an open computer that had blanked from no activity. You sat on your bed to observe him while he slept. A slideshow of pictures began across the blank screen.

You leaned closer to see what the pictures were. Some were of atomic explosions, skulls, grenades, and various lit fires, but some photos of friends began sliding past.

'He actually had friends in high school?' you wondered. 'But he's so rude.'

You noticed the same group of people kept appearing: A guy with bright, spiked red hair and teeth to match, another guy with yellow hair and a black streak accompanied by a dumb expression, a third with black hair who looked like he was high, and a girl with bright pink hair and skin along with a pair of horns.

In just about every picture that passed, Bakugou was could be seen scowling in almost every single one. The only pictures he didn't look like he had murder written across his face would have been the random snapshots someone took while he was fighting a different boy with green hair and freckles. Actually, scratch that. Bakugou looked boarder line insane when fighting.

Bakugou accidentally woke himself up, staring at the slide show with a half-awake expression. You quickly move back so he didn't think you were looking over his shoulder. He sees you and narrows his already half-closed eyes at you, slowly closing his computer lid. Bright red imprints of some of the keys littered one side of his face. You tried not to laugh as he finally shut the computer.

"What?" He sounded tired.

You shrugged, suppressing a snicker. "Nothing."

He continued to glare at you as he sat up, rubbing the remaining sleep from his eyes. His hair was slightly mussed and you were trying not to stare. You thought he looked really cute like that, but you didn't want to admit it to yourself.

Over the next couple of weeks, you felt like you had a growing attraction to your roommate. You tried not to think about it, saying it was only your imagination. But you were curious... but not that curious.

You thought it would be kinda weird if you were in a relationship with your roommate, because what would happen if or when you broke up? Wouldn't things just be kind of awkward?\

You shook your head and did your best to focus on the class lecture.

Today was a surprising day for you. Both you and Bakugou had time together in your dorm.

You were busy working on notes and an essay, while Bakugou was angrily typing something up on his laptop. You thought his keys would break if he typed any harder.

About a couple of hours passed like this. Random bursts of stamped keys and flipping of pages, until Bakugou sat back in his desk chair and rubbed his eyes. He'd been up for quite a while and you thought he looked tired.

"Hey, you want some coffee?" You offered.

"Huh?" He didn't catch what you said.

"Coffee. Caffeine. You want some?"

He thought about it, looking at the door and back to his open laptop screen. Bakugou sighed and shut the lid to his computer and went to grab his wallet. (Neither of you had brought a coffee pot to your dorm, but there was a little café type thing in the lobby that was open all hours of the day.)

"Wait, what're you doing?"

"I'm getting my money dumba**." he snapped.

"No no, it was my idea. I'll pay." you said. He looked at you with a skeptical look. "Honestly, I'm being serious."

He scoffed. "Tch, fine." He tossed his wallet back on his dresser and you got your money. Together, the two of you made your way down the hall to the elevator. When going down, you decided to resolve those strange feelings you've had and just call yourselves friends and roommates...

For now.

[A.N: Thank you for reading! This was a request. I hope you enjoyed!😁]

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