Reading Headcanons

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[A.N: I stole this from my sister, @whatdidimiss!]


-He love reading, but he mostly reads articles on heroes.

-If he were to read a book, he'd read fantasy.

-This would include things along the lines of The Unwanteds, Harry Potter, The Land of Stories, and so on.

-I'm pretty sure he would have read Spiderwick as a kid.

-When he gets really into a book, you wouldn't be shocked if he suddenly started mumbling or whisper-reading it.

-Reads ridiculously fast.


-Reads only when he's alone.

-The reason why: He reads romance novels and NOBODY can know. (Such a tsundere lol.)

-If you catch him reading something on his phone, it's more than likely some kind of sweet love story he found online.

-If you do catch him reading in his room, he'll do one of two things: 1) He'd throw the book at you. 2) He'd make you swear on your life that you wouldn't tell anyone.

-He's a pretty quick reader.


-Too busy brooding to read. Jk jk

-He doesn't read that much, surprisingly.

-He usually reads articles he finds interesting.

-If you wanted something from him while he was reading, he'd easily put it down, knowing it wouldn't be going anywhere.

-Not a very fast reader, but by no means is slow.


-He doesn't really like to read.

-In fact, he doesn't read much outside of school-assigned readings.

-He likes being read to more than reading himself.

-He likes the sound of your voice and if he can get you to read aloud while cuddling... the man's in seventh heaven.

-Not the slowest reader, but he definitely isn't very fast either. He's kinda in between. 


-Contrary to what my sister thinks, Kaminari actually can read, he just enjoys putting up a comedic front.

-Reads mostly when he's in his room or there's no one around.

-Doesn't like reading that much, but if something really interesting catches his attention, he won't be able to leave it alone.

-Pretty much will read anything if he thinks it's worth his while.

-Not a very fast reader, but certainly isn't slow.

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