When You Steal Their Hoodie

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-He would be a flustered mess, but a cute mess.

-You two were watching videos on his computer in his dorm and you got a little cold. You saw his hoodie draped over the back of his desk chair and took the opportunity to snag it and wear it.

-He stared at you the entire time you put it on, blushing and resembling a strawberry.


-"Nothing." And he went back to watching the screen.

-He thought you looked really cute in his hoodie and he leaves them in the open to your disposal.


-You were both outside and the weather was a little cool. It was just enough for the hairs on your arms to stand on end.

-Bakugou noticed you were rubbing your arms, trying to warm yourself up.

-"Here, take this." He handed you his black hoodie.

-"Don't just stare at it dumba**, put it on."

-You take his hoodie and slip it over your head. It was warm and smelled like him.

-Although he'd never admit it in a million years...

-He liked seeing you in his hoodie.


-Seeing you in his hoodie for the first time surprised him. A lot.

-Just looking at your small figure completely hidden under the fabric of the hoodie made you seem smaller than before.

-You just kind of took it without asking, and he really like seeing you in it.

-He sometimes will buy you a hoodie you want (with Endeavor's credit card of course) in his size.


-He saw you were cold and figured he should give his hoodie to you.

-"Don't worry about me, it wouldn't be manly of me if I didn't give it to you."

-He likes how you pull your hands inside the sleeves to warm your fingers, he thinks it's cute.

-He leaves his hoodies everywhere, but mostly in his or your dorms in hopes he'll see you wearing one again.


-You two were out together and he saw you were a bit cold.

-He took off his hoodie and threw it at you.


-You ended up putting it on anyway, even if it did hit you in the face a bit unexpectedly.

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