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[A.N: I've said it once and I'll say it again... *dramatic inhale*... KiSs KiSs FaLl In LoVe! But seriously though...]


-Very nervous about kisses.

-Will usually ask if he can kiss you. (A very consensual bean.)

"(Y-y/n)? C-can I... k-kiss you?"

-He's always a blushing mess, weather that's before or after. I can guarantee you he's transformed into a strawberry.

-His kisses are usually short and sweet.

-He likes to kiss your cheeks just because it's quick for him.

-He likes it when you kiss his forehead or his cheeks.

-You were the one to initiate the first kiss. He really wanted to, but since you beat him to it, he didn't argue.


-A rare thing from him.

-But, they're also unpredictable.

-If you two are just chilling together, he'll just plant a kiss somewhere on you.

-You sometime wish he'd do it more, but because they're rare and unpredictable, it makes them all more enjoyable.

-When he actually does kiss you, his kisses are hard and bruising. They can get pretty rough pretty quickly if you aren't careful.

-He likes to come up behind you and kiss the back of your neck to make you all embarrassed. (He'd never admit it, but he loves embarrassing you.)

-Again, he'd never admit it in a life time, but he likes it when you kiss his jaw or his lips.

-He initiated the first kiss.


-He forgot that was a thing lovers do.

-After every time you give him a small peck on the cheek, he's quick to kiss the back of your hand.

-His kisses are very slow and sensual. He'd always ask if he could kiss you right before he does.

"Is it alright if I... Kiss you?"

-He'll kiss you lips or the back of your hand, whichever is better accessible at the moment.

-He likes it when you kiss his cheek or his scar. Especially his scar.

-You hinted at the first kiss, and even as dense as he can be, he picked up pretty quickly. So, I guess you could say you each had an equal part in starting the first kiss.


-Ho boy.

-He loves to kiss you, but they vary on where you are.

-If you're in the common rooms or in public, he'd steal a quick peck on the cheek.

-When you're alone however...- He can get pretty spicy pretty quick. (Of course he asks if you're okay with this. He would think it isn't manly if you didn't give him consent.)

-His kisses are generally sweet and full of love, but they can quickly turn heated and passionate.

-He likes it when you kiss the scar on his eyebrow or his lips.

-In public: He likes to kiss the inside of your hand* and your temple. Alone: Your lips and your neck. (Don't worry, he won't bite unless you ask him to😏)

-He was the one to initiate the first kiss.

*When you kiss the inside of someone's hand, it means you hold their heart.


-He gets carried away in his kisses. Just saying.

-He will kiss you anywhere you allow it.

-His kisses are usually a surprise. You get at least three to four on a daily basis.

-He usually give you quick pecks, because anything longer might shock you and he wouldn't want to fry you. They're usually sweet, but sometimes he'll plant more than just one at a given time.

-If he's being cute, he'll kiss your cheek or your temple. But if we gettin' a lil' spicy over here... He's gonna go for your jaw or your neck.

-Kiss his temple. I dare you. He loves that. Also, kiss his lips. He loves that too. In fact, he just loves being kissed. But don't do it too much if you don't want to get shocked because he might short circuit at some point.

-Right when he went to kiss you fir the first time, you both made the move for it, so you each had an equal part in progressing the first kiss.

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