Wild West AU

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[A.N: Requested and I think this is going to be very interesting. Enjoy my antics~! (Sorry if some are longer than others, i just couldn't think of much else for some of the others.)]


-Works as an apprentice in a shop so that one day he may have his own.

-When his boss isn't looking, he'll sneak kids small items that most won't notice have gone missing. (I.e sweets and small toys.)

-Whenever he's not in the shop people always wonder where he is. Midoriya's such a sweetheart and just about everyone who comes in asks for him. He's very helpful and patient with indecisive customers.

-Has a dark brown mare with a white, star-shapped blaze up her nose. (She's just as sweet as her owner.)

-I don't know what her name would be, but I think it would be something like Nova because of her blaze.

-Very good with animals in general and he can't explain why. Legit has never spooked a single thing in his life.


-Bandit/anit-hero, don't ask me why.

-He'd be that one mysterious stranger to appear in a town that has no sheriff and needs one and he just so happens to fit the job.

-Definitely a sharp shooter, hardly ever misses.

-Obviously hunts, very good at it too. Not to mention skinning and tanning hides. (He has a buckskin knife sheath he made himself.)

-Probably also gets into bar fights just for the fun of it.

-Has a black horse named Diablo.


-Son of the mayor. Do I really have to say anything else?

-His dad's a business man and owns about half the town so...

-You can't tell me he has a secret affair behind his father's back.

-I can't really think up much, but he just strikes me as a city boy who got dragged out into the country.

-Likes to trap and is very good at setting up snares. (He has a hobby of trapping small game and selling their furs. He normally gives away the money since he doesn't need it.)

-Has a pure bread white horse named Opal.


-Town blacksmith, need I say more?

-Well, he wants to be a blacksmith, but he's just an apprentice right now.

-When he isn't at work in the forge, he's helping people around town: putting in garden rows, moving heavy crates, helping out the local farmer in his fields, you know- those kinds of things.

-He gets offered payment for help like money or items, but he doesn't accept them. Saying he was just doing what anyone else would do- lend a hand. (Although, he'd never turn down a free meal, especially after a long day.)

-He has this horse that's a deep red/mahogany color that he named Ruby. (That's if it was female, if it was a guy he'd probably call him 'Iron' or something because of his red coloring.)

-A lot of people think that because he's really strong he has to be kinda stupid and it hurts him more than they think. The people he works for/helped out strongly say otherwise, saying how kind and genuine he is.


-Is either the town flirt or the town drunk.

-Most likely both.

-When he isn't drunk and flirting, he's a good prankster.

-A fair shot with a revolver, but misses more often than he should to be considered 'good.'

-Has an appaloosa horse he named Thunder.

-Always getting into bar fights. He thinks he's a lot bigger and tougher than he is. (Kirishima normally breaks up the fight.)

-Definitely knows how to pick pocket.

-Has a brown and white mottled mare he named Lady.


-Probably the banker.

-Is a real gentleman, very polite to women- both young and elderly.

-Before he became a banker, I want to say he used to be a farrier, but left since he wanted to pursue  something more mentally challenging. (For those who don't know, a farrier is someone who puts new horseshoes on the horses.)

-He still helps out with farrier work on his days off. And like Kirishima, he doesn't accept payment, it's just something someone with his skill set could do.

-In his free time he studies politics and law because he finds it interesting. His mom wanted him to become a lawyer like his brother, but he didn't want to.

-Has a creme colored mare named Honey.

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