If They Went In a Haunted House

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-He would think it's something fun at first, but then once he hears a booming growl from the door before it's time to enter, he's already scared. [A.N: This is legit me, not even lying. I'm a huge scaredy cat.]

-Will cling onto you for dear life, the poor baby's so scared.

-Around every other corner is a jump scare.

-All of which make him nearly jump out of his skin.

-You'll have to calm him down once it was over otherwise he won't stop screaming.


-At first, he thought the idea of going through a haunted house was stupid, but you got him to go with a bit of convincing.

-Since he loves watching horror films, he's in his natural element, so of course he's not gonna be scared easily.

-The only way for him to get scared is if something catches him off guard.

-Of course, that never going to happen since he's always on his guard.

-There was one thing that grabbed at his ankles when first going through.

-In comes the eight-year-old girl scream, followed by cursing. Lots and lots of cursing.

-He nearly blows up the thing that grabbed at him, until he realizes it's just a prop.


-Completely stoic. Shows absolutely no fear.

-But on the inside, he's actually a little startled.

-There were a few times he jumped, but he never screamed.

-His expression may not show any fear or emotion, but you can see it in his heterochromatic eyes.

-When it's all over, you thought he seemed a little relieved as he exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding.


-He's excited and it was his idea in the first place.

-When first walking through, he has a wide grin plastered from ear to ear, thinking this in going to be so much fun.

-However, he was completely startled by the first jump scare.

-"Are you scared Eijiro?" you asked him.

-"A real man doesn't get scared." he said.

-"Then explain why my hand's in a bone-crushing grip?"

-A ghoul came rushing at you two from a corner. He jumped in front of you to try and protect you, but then he figured out it was just one of the actors.

-He's a little jumpy afterwards, but it's not too bad. Nothing some halloween candy and cuddles can't fix.


-He loves going through haunted houses.

-Instead of jumping at the scares, he'll either laugh or complement the actors.

-He'll go through the house several times, enjoying every go-round.

-There were a couple times that might have startled him, but he just laughed it off and told the monster how cool they look in their costume.

-He's the kind of person to creepily sing children't nursery rhymes to scare the rest of the group.

-He also makes strange noises on purpose when going through the attraction.

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