Thanksgiving Headcannons

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[A.N: I can't believe I did this for Halloween and Christmas, but I completely forgot Thanksgiving. (It's okay if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I just wanted to have an excuse to make these.)]


-He likes the idea of Thanksgiving; the whole coming together bit with friends and family all enjoying a great meal.

-Don't let him in the kitchen. He means well, but he gets so confused on how to make certain things. (If he won't leave, give him something to make from a box or take out of a package.)

-If he can't help in the kitchen, the least he could do is set the table.

-I feel like he would try a bit of everything, not wanting to leave anything out. (And yes, he will try a bit of whatever that one dish is that nobody likes because he's nice.)

-Likes pumpkin pie, but it isn't his favorite. (He likes pecan pie better.)


-Relatives and people invading his house and eating his food?

-Uh, no.

-He thinks the whole ordeal is pointless. It's all gonna end in arguments and food comas right?

-You can bet he's gonna be in the kitchen. Boi can cook, so of course he's gonna be in the dadgum kitchen! (I wouldn't be surprised if he was in charge of the turkey.)

-Everything is on POINT. Nothing important is left out or done half-a**ed.

-I'm pretty sure he'd be one of those people who manage to not overeat.


-People gather with family willingly? And they do what?

-Yeah no, there's always a single family dinner for that group and that's it. No more. (Mostly because nobody can stand Endeavor.)

-Kinda confused and disappointed soba isn't something that goes on the table. (He likes the green beans though.)

-Also: Don't let him in the kitchen either. Something will end up on fire or over-frozen.

-His favorite part is when it ends.


-An event that's just food, friends and family all day? Heck yeah!

-Another one you shouldn't let into the kitchen. He wants to help, but yeah... Don't trust him.

-Don't let him set the table either, not only is he going to probably get the order of things wrong, he's also going to try and fold the napkins into something fancy. It doesn't work, obviously, and each one looks wonky. (He ends up messing up almost half the napkins.) But A+ for effort.

-Favorite thing on the table is turkey. Hands down. (Kinda makes me think of a medieval king with his turkey leg.)

10/10 likes Thanksgiving.


-Will want to start a food fight with peas and mashed potatoes. NO.

-I think he'd be that one person who always get sent to the kiddie table even though he's old enough to sit with the adults. He gets bummed that he always has to sit with little kids.

-He'll steal all the rolls. Yes, he's gonna be that person.

-He'd be too distracted playing games with his little cousins to even think about helping with the food. (Which is probably a good thing.)

-Most likely will race everyone to the table and almost knocks it over.


-He really likes Thanksgiving. He loves to be around his family and there's nothing better than a holiday that celebrates that.

-He's one of the ones who is allowed to help in the kitchen because he knows what he's doing. (Mostly it's because he's not going to do something stupid.)

-(You can't tell me Tensei would try to mess with him by moving things and/or taking them away. I can just feel that he would.)

-Tensei once told him he had to sit at the kiddie table (even though he was old enough) and he got mad about it before Tensei told him he was just kidding.

10/10 thought this was fun and would do it again.

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