Their Favorite Thing About You

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Personality wise- He likes how you're caring and thoughtful. He also likes how you can be determined sometimes.

Physically- Your eyes. Midoriya loves the way they light up whenever you figure something out or you talk about something you love. It makes him think of himself whenever he talks about All Might.


Personality wise- Your stubbornness. Bakugou loves the fact you refuse to back down from a challenge. He also likes when you get riled up, he's the kind of guy to think you're cute when you're mad. (Of course, we all know Bakugou would never blatantly admit it.)

Physically- Surprisingly, your hair. Bakugou sometimes comes up and rests his head on top of yours from behind and he really likes your scent. He's not creepy about it, he just likes it.


Personality wise- Your kindness. Todoroki is obviously the kind of person who doesn't really connect well with emotions simply due to his past. But with you, he's beginning to see things differently and really likes that you're understanding and that you take your time with him.

Physically- Your smile. Since you're really kind and try to be gentle with him, you always give Todoroki a sweet smile. He loves it every time you smile at him.


Personality wise- Your energy. Kirishima loves it when you can be energetic. Sometimes your energy levels can match, making it pure mayhem in the dorms for others but complete fun for you two.

Physically- Your hands. They're so small compared to his. Kirishima loves holding your hand and you like holding his. It makes you feel safe. (Tell him this and his confidence will be through the roof, I can guarantee it.)


Personality wise- Your attitude. Kaminari likes how you're a little feisty sometimes. He always asks himself how he tamed someone with such sass.

Physically- Your face. He thinks you're really pretty and could look at you for hours. In fact he has! He's not a stalker of course, he just likes admiring you during class.

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