Getting Trauma/Word-Dumped

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[A.N: It's not always a good thing to be the therapist friend, especially when you feel like you can't get a word in or when someone won't listen to you/your reasoning. This happens to me all the time and I personally feel like people don't know my fully story all the way through. While it may seem good or feel good for a while- that you're letting people vent to you and get things off their chest so they can feel better- you're now no longer a person, you're an emotional dumping ground. Please don't let this happen to you if you can prevent it.]


-We know this boy talks a mile a minute, sometimes in topics you know a lot  about, others... not so much.

-He noticed you seemed to shut down one evening in your dorm when you two were hanging out. You usually let him ramble because not many let him just speak, so he was rambling on about who knows what and stopped midsentence to ask you what was wrong.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing. Go on with what you're saying," you prompted him.

"No, (Y/n), what's wrong? Did I do something to make you upset? Are you okay-?"

"Zuzu, I'm fine, really. Just-... carry on." you sighed.

"Did I do something wrong? Please, be honest with me,"

-You thought about it then gave in and told him about how people just use you as a dumping ground for word-vomit. (He's not the first and certainly not the last.)

-He feels SO bad. Like- he tries not to cry because he knows what it's like to constantly get shut down in one-sided conversations and he's been doing that to you. The last person he'd ever want to do that to. No matter how much you insist that it's fine, to him- it isn't.

-Silently vows to get his rambling to a more reasonable level and to also include you and ask you questions to involve you.


-He's never quite dumped on anybody. I mean- he's not much of a talker in the first place.

-YOU however, are typically kind of quiet in most social settings. He's watched you interact with others and noticed you don't really talk a whole lot, you seem to just listen and let people talk over you. By the end of the whole thing, you're practically drained.

-Eventually finds out through someone else (AHEM- Mina) that you don't really get the chance to talk and you've labeled yourself as the therapist friend.

-Pulls you aside in the hall one day at school and sets you straight.

"Hey, you listen to me alright? If some a**hole tries to stop you in a conversation, just leave their *ss. Got it?"

-You being genuinely confused what he was talking about, asked him what he meant.

"I've seen how you just let people talk over you and I hate seeing you so drained after just 'talking' to one person. And if you don't start speaking up for yourself, you can bet your *ss that I'll do it myself. Clear?"

-Now, just a simple glance lets him know you need him. (And he's more than glad to oblige.)


-He's known for trauma-dumping. Granted, he has horrible social skills and doesn't always understand that trauma isn't a hot-button topic.

-Whenever you asked him a question it somehow almost always ended up into what seemed like a therapy session.

-You knew he couldn't really help it and he always seemed to be lighter after talking with you.

-One day, you'd both had really long days and Todoroki wanted nothing more than to just talk with you, you seemed so calming to him. You on the other hand, didn't want to be hosting another therapy session for him. (As much as you loved him, you could only take so much.)

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