If You Came Out to Them

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[A.N: Happy Pride month! Even though I may not actually be part of the Community, I am an Ally and I'd like to support everyone I can this month. I'll probably fail, but oh well. I tried. Anyways, enjoy! Also, the art isn't mine. Just saying.]

y/s/g= your sexuality/gender [Just so then I can squish all this into one chapter. Okay I'll shut up now.]


-He had suspicions about you being (y/s/g), but he never said anything in case he was wrong or possibly offend you.

-You came out to him one day and he sat there for a second, letting everything process. You thought he was going to turn on you.

-In short, he didn't. He's 100% very supportive of you.

-In fact, directly after you told him, he went and researched more about people who are (y/s/g) so he could maybe learn a little more about how people like you think.

-We stan our supportive bby. 


-He already knew.

-When you talked to Bakugou in private about you being (y/s/g), he shrugged and said, "I already knew."

-(Y/n): "Wait... you did?"

"Yeah, it's kinda obvious."

-(Y/n): "...How?"

"Well for starters, the way you dress. Second- your taste in music, and third- Oh, I dunno,  maybe the fact that you have a f***ing (y/s/g) pride flag on your wall?!"

-May seem aggressive, but internally supports you wholeheartedly.

"You're my S/O, and that's that."


-His face would show you he wouldn't care.

-But on the inside, he's very flattered because he sees this as a sign that you really trust him.

-When you told him about you being (y/s/g), he just blinked.

"So does this mean we're not getting soba?"

-(Y/n): "Shoto, I just told you I'm-"

"Yes, and? Are we still getting soba?"

-He does support you, he really does. But we all know he likes his soba.


-VERY supportive.

-When you came out to Kirishima, he just... hoo boy.

-Just, he's very supportive.

"So you're (y/s/g)? That's so cool!"

-He'll still call you manly from time to time, unless you'd prefer to be called 'womanly' or just regular 'strong'. 

-Like I said, VERY supportive.


-Confusion. Ultimate cOnFuSiOn.

-"So, how does that work? So you just...? What?"

-"Wait wait wait, so it's like... no... Or- no..."

-"Can you explain it again? I still don't get it."

-He may be a confused and jumbled mess, but he supports you.

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