My RWBY Academia

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(I'm gonna have a bunch of other characters in here than just my usual five. Enjoy~!)

(Just a quick warning- there may be mild spoilers so... read with caution. You have been warned.)


-I think he's an interesting combination of both Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine.

-Hear me out: He has the innocence of both of them BUT... I  think Midoriya's a bit more like Oscar because of how he's linked to Ozpin. It's kind of like OFA now that I think about it.

-Probably the biggest reason why Midoriya is like Ruby: The first thing they did when they got their butts saved by a hero/huntress, was ask for an autograph.

Legit (I don't know which episode, but I think I can quote it pretty accurately):

Midoriya: *Gets saved my All Might*
                     It's All Might! I gotta get an autograph! *Frantically searches for something to write on.*

Ruby: *Gets rescued by Glenda*
              You're a huntress... *Sparkles* Can I get your autograph?!


-Yang Xiao Long, tell me otherwise.

-Really, the only reason Yang's like Bakugou is because of their shared temper. Overall, I personally think Yang's pretty chill until you make her mad. Unlike Bakugou who's pretty much always angry.

-The gauntlets on their outfits: The only difference is Yang's shoots shotgun shells and Bakugou has literal grenades.


-Weiss Schnee.

-I'm sorry, but they both have family problems with much to be expected of them.

-Did I mention they're also both filthy dirty rich?

-Both of their dads are worthless and I don't think anyone likes them.

-I also see a bit of Lie Ren in him; The only reason being is they're both pretty reserved and quiet as well as unleashing a ton of crap on the battle field.


-Pyrrah Nikos.

-Try telling them that neither of them aren't the mom of the friend group.

-But at the same time, I see a touch of Blake Belladonna as well.

-My reason: Both hide something that is later revealed.

-While Kirishima dyes his hair to hide the black color, Blake wears her bow to hider her fauness cat ears.


-Nora 👏 Freaking 👏 Valkarie

-They legit share the same energy and similar abilities.

-Both are shipped with rather quiet and reserved characters.

-They both have 100% pure crackhead energy all the time. Tell me otherwise.


-Gonna be honest, but...

-Professor Oobleck.

-They both can move really fast and are also ridiculously smart. (I don't care if Oobleck's a teacher, they're both smart and seem bookish if you know what I mean.) 

-Definitly not because they both wear glasses, but I mean... *shrugs*


-Sun Wukong

-Reason: Just because of the tail. 'Nuff said.


-Also Nora.

-Reason: Pink and high energy.

-I'm pretty sure if left to their own devices, Nora and Mina will make pancakes and I shall not be convinced otherwise.


-Penny Polendina

-They're both really innocent and sweet.

-But don't let that fool you: They may look innocent and sweet, but I'm pretty sure both of them could slit your throat.


-Qrow. Does this need explaining?

-Probably not, but I'm going to anyway because I can.

-Seriously though, Qrow is to his flask as Aizawa is to his sleeping bag.

-Is that one cool teacher everybody loves or is terrifying enough that everyone's afraid of them.


-Glenda Goodwitch.

-The only reason is for appearance, I don't think they have that much in common.

All Might:

-Professor Ozpin.

-As I mentioned in Midoriya's section, I think Ozpin's soul is like OFA: It gets passed on to another person after however long.

-Ozpin advanced Ruby two years just because of her ability and silver eyes almost exactly like how All Might chose Midoriya after watching him fight the sludge villain despite having no quirk at the time.

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