Midoriya x Angel! Reader

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Fallen Angel

[You are an angel who is in search of proof the human race is still worth believing in. Other beings didn't believe you, so you left to prove them wrong. In leaving and going to Earth, you were now known as a fallen angel. Very few leave and return. Some humans share personality traits to other angles and are more than likely related to one. You can hide you wings to blend in, but when you came down, you broke one. A human in kind enough to help you.]

{Your POV}

As I left the shining, golden gates behind me, I stepped down from the rosy clouds, descending to the inhabited planet called 'Terra,' more commonly known as 'Earth.' I spread my wings to fly and lunched myself. The cool air felt good among my feathers. The air pressed against my face and made me smile. I dipped below the clouds and looked down. If some one saw me, they'd only think I was a dove or some other white bird. I folded my wings around me and spud, dipping slightly before opening them again to catch myself. I laughed, flying was always so much fun. I straightened out and focused on my mission: finding proof humans weren't as bad as they seemed. I looked to the ground, scanning for someone who was angel material. I know I know, they're only humans and aren't perfect.

But there has to be one I can dub as good enough.

I'm looking for someone kind, someone with a pure spirit, a heart of gold. Someone who's selfless and willing.

A human who has the potential to be an angel, in other words. 

I looked for a place to land so I could interact with the humans so I could be more sure of my choice.

But I wasn't paying attention.

I collided with someone else who was up in the clouds with me (some human with a flying ability). I felt something in my wing snap and I fell to the ground. I hit a couple tree branches on my way down and I tore my white tunic as I finally fell to the hard and compact dirt. My breathing was ragged, adrenaline rushing through my veins. I was scared. I couldn't transform to hide my wings with one of them broken.

Was it actually broken? I tenderly felt the joint of my right wing and winced.

I tried to look myself over. I was on my knees and my wings spread out on either side of me. I couldn't heal myself because when a wing is broken, someone else must mend it. That's one of the bad things about being an angel, you get hurt and you can't leave until you're healed. This can either be physical or emotional. This is how there are some people who have such good hearts, it's because they were either an angel in a past life or are related to one.

My white tunic was torn and dirtied in a few places. I had scratches all along my arms and legs. A spot on my side hurt like the devil: I knew I'd have myself a lovely bruise the color of a ripened plum. I couldn't move in this state, Id risk hurting my broken wing even more. If I tried to transform, I'd run a great risk of permanently damaging my wing and never being able to return again. I laid my face in my slightly bloodied palms, crystal-like tears sliding from my eyes. I was in so much pain.

I looked up. I was in a park. Children were playing on a play-set, screaming, laughing and chasing one another. It was amazing to see so much pure innocence right before you. I doubted any of them would find me here and if they did, they wouldn't talk to me since I was sure they've been taught not to talk to strangers.

I heard a rustling off to my left. I gasped and looked. A boy with wild green hair and eyes to match had found me. This boy had a kind aura, I could see the purity in his heart and spirit. But there was something strange about him. Almost like he was too pure, too bright.

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