Welcome Iida!

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[As per a request, I'll be doing a catch up chapter for everyone's favorite class rep- Tenya Iida!]

[Also- some of the ones that were scenarios are now headcanons because they're easier and way faster to write.]

How You Met:

You were at the park sitting on a bench under a tree with a book of yours. It was a nice day outside; a slight cool breeze with fluffy white clouds dotting the sky. Today felt perfect to you. You read for about an hour and you decided to go ahead and get up and make way for one of the nearby cafés. You packed up your things and went on your way.

On your way to the café, you were fussing with your earbuds, trying to untangle them. Once you were mostly successful, you put one side in and accidentally ran into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

"It's alright, no harm done." You look up to be met with deep blue eyes framed by silver glasses. "Might I ask where you're headed to?"

"I was just going to a café for some lunch," you replied.

"May I accompany you?"

"Um sure," you nodded. "I'm (Y/n), by the way."

"I'm Tenya Iida," he said, nodding curtly.

You softly smiled. "Well it's very nice to meet you."


What he thinks of you/ catches feels:

After meeting (Y/n) and accompanying them that one day, I seem to keep crossing paths with them. Apparently they like to read and appear highly intelligent. 

To be honest, I quite enjoy their company. The only downside is Tensei gives me grief for it, taunting and teasing me. (As most older siblings do.)

As of this moment, I don't think he's wrong anymore. Perhaps this isn't as bad as my brother paints it to be...

How he confesses:

-He uses your favorite book quotes to tell you.

-If there's a book that has absolutely no romance in it, he might take a scene or a line and rewrite it a little to fit your situation a bit better.

You two met at your usual cafe. You were a little worried since Iida told you he had something rather important to tell you.

Was he going to tell you he didn't want you be your friend anymore? Or was it something else...?

Iida was already there, waiting for you. In fact, he'd already ordered for the both of you, your (fav. drink) sitting at the spot across from him.

"Hey Iida," you greeted him, pulling out your seat and sitting across from him.

"Hello, (Y/n)," he said, fidgeting with the edge of a napkin. "You're... probably wondering what it is I have to tell you. I won't waste your time and I'll get right to the point." You were slightly taken aback by Iida's forwardness. Selecting his words carefully, he began. It sounded to you as if he were quoting something, but you couldn't place your finger on what exactly.

When he reached the end, Iida gingerly took your hands in his as if you were made of glass.

"(Y/n), will you be mine?"

"Wait, as in... as in your (boy/girlfriend/partner)?" He nods.

-When you said yes, Iida could easily mark this as on of the happiest days of his life.

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