Bakugou x Self Harming! Reader (Angst Warning)

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[A.N: This was another request and I'm pretty sure this is my darkest request. Um...yeah.  ⚠️ Warning⚠️- Mentions of blood, suicidal tendencies, use of blades. If you're not comfortable here, please read something that's more lighthearted. If you like this kind of stuff, enjoy.]




These were just a few of the thoughts that plagued you every day. Every night. And every godd**ned waking moment of your pathetic excuse of a life.

Everyone thought you were a good person. A great friend. Sure you got a darker sense of humor, but that's just today's world we live in, isn't it?

Isn't it?!

You had a destructive habit of cutting yourself, almost like you were carving out everything you hated. But every time you thought, 'I'm doing it this time, for real. No going back.' Hope for a better change clung to your thoughts until you screamed and threw the sharp object of choice across the floor of your bathroom, leaving you in a teary, bloody mess.

Everyone thought you were the emotional pillar in the friend group. They thought you were strong and that nothing could phase you. Few spotted the gouge marks on your arms to which you quickly pulled down your blazer sleeves to cover the marks. You awkwardly laughed and said you got into a tussle with a stray cat or that you were just clumsy and scraped yourself. Some told you to go to Recovery Girl to make sure you didn't get an infection but you said you were fine.

You were fine.

And that's the lie you lived with until the night you thought you'd finally end it all with no going back-

There was a banging on the door to your dorm room.

"(Y/n), open up!" Bakugou, your boyfriend.

Of course.

Wait, what did he want?

"Just a minute!" You called. You got up and dabbed tissues over your bleeding wounds on your arms, thinking that could stem the flow for a few minutes until you could shoo him away. You swiped at your eyes and made it look like you weren't crying.

A skill you had that you probably shouldn't.

You dotted at your wounds again, Bakugou persistent on the outside of your door.

"I'm coming!" You yelled. You washed a little of the blood off your arms and yanked your sleeves down, stuffing in a few tissues to hopefully slow the bleeding even further.

Right as you were about to yank open your door, a thought hit you: He'd finally caught wind of the rumors.

There were silent rumors floating around the school that you were suicidal. Some starting those rumors in hopes you'd take your own life.

You were suddenly terrified. Images of Bakugou yelling at you and shaming you for such self destructive behavior being stupid and leaving you.

But what he did during your whirlwind of thoughts caught you by surprise.

"(Y/n), let me in. Please." he said, almost sounding gentle. You started getting teary eyed and you opened the door, hanging your head. Immediately, he knew there was something obviously wrong.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

Concern. That was his tone.

Not anger not disbelief, but concern. Genuine concern.

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