Specific Things About Them From My DR

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[A.N: It's as the title says. I thought I'd be a little more specific this time ;)]


-Wide shoulders. That's all I'm gonna say.

-He's such a sweetheart, like he acts the same way in the anime as he does in my DR.

-His hands are so rough and he wants to be able to do finely detailed things, but can't.

-Is fascinated when I make or repair jewelry (as for why, read above)

-Not very good at drawing, but he tries. (I teach him and give him pointers.)

-Horrible at paper games. (Like hangman, dots and boxes, etc.)

-His handwriting is so freaking messy. It's consistent to where you read it long enough you'll figure out how to read it, but it's so messy.

-Smells like vanilla and clean sheets.

-Refuses to cuss even if it's okay. (Like the worst he's said is damn.)

-One of my drawbacks of my quirk is I can't read sometimes and language becomes fuzzy, so he's always sure to be slow and clear when I'm having trouble understanding.


-He hates the way I eat apples. Like I just straight up chomp and he's staring at me like, 'No, that's not- no...'

-I have an ugly laugh (like I snort when I laugh) and he thinks it's cute.

-Calls me a menace to society every time I do something abnormal.

-Hates it when I skip meals. (Not on purpose, usually on accident or I just don't feel like eating. He hates it.)

-Loves horror movies, hates reading horror books though. (I'm the exact opposite lol)

-Nothing really big phases him, but it's the little things that do. He notices small details. 

-A neat freak. Hates that I'm never organized and I'm just c h a o s

-Runs hot. Like he's always warm to the touch.

-We have constant debates over whether Gryffindor or Slytherin is the better house. (I'm Gryffindor, he's Slytherin.)

-Hates how I'm always able to match him in every subject. (And I wasn't using my quirk lol)


-I really don't know much about him, I don't talk to him much lol

-He likes cats. (It's cannon too btw)

-He's so thin, but it's that kind of thin where you just know this guy's ripped. (Ridiculously strong too.)

-He likes flowers. Particularly doodling them on the corners of Momo's papers.

-Has such a soft voice. Like you have to listen closely to hear him.

-Very reserved person, but his neutral expression has changed from what used to be seen as kinda 'edgy' to this soft smile.

-Always goes wide-eyed and blinks when I do something weird and he's within range to see it.

-Constantly spacing out.

-Likes winter. For obvious reasons.

-Likes green tea.


-Mom friend energy. He's always keeping Bakugou from fighting someone or me from committing arson.

-He likes cherries.

-Gives the best hugs. Like the ones that make you feel like everything's gonna be okay and just warm and reassuring.

-Has never said bro and refuses to say it. (Don't ask me why, he won't tell me.)

-Prefers not to cuss. He can and has, it's just not his thing.

-Absolutely terrible in English. (Mostly he's just bad at pronouncing things.)

-Always the one to diffuse a situation and get everyone to calm down and back off.

-Wants a husky.

-He once let Mina paint his nails and he hated it. Mostly he didn't like the feeling of it.

-Speaking of Mina, she practices eyeliner on him all the time. He doesn't mind the make up and usually takes it off when she's done. (Or when she says he can if she doesn't want him to take it off.)


-Wants to learn how to play poker.

-Has a pikachu onesie.

-He's such a memer. At this point he has his own language which is just memes and vines.

-Communicates his emotions through memes when he can't figure out how to word it.

-Chaotic bi energy.

-Always acting gay with Sero. He's not actually gay for Sero, they just act like it. ('If you aren't gay with the homies, are you even straight?'- Denki Kaminari 2022.)

-"Bro, but like, romantically."

-Periodically tries to seduce Mitsuki (Bakugou's mom) and she laughs because she thinks it's funny. (But it quickly gets annoying and then Bakugou has to deal with him.)

-Horrible at math.

-Will always match his friend's energy, no matter what. Calm and relaxed? He's chill. Excited and hyped? He's like a toddler with sugar.

-Night owl


-Has a love for classic literature. (His guilty pleasure is Pride and Prejudice.)

-Always organized and has things a certain way. (Don't mess with it or you'll face his wrath.)

-I once reordered by bookshelf by color, which meant splitting up book series and putting things together that weren't supposed to be. He despises me for it.

-His hands are so big, and for no reason! Like they're just freaking huge.

-I don't know if I've said this before, but I'll say it again if I have- he likes chamomile with honey and lemon.

-His room smells like books, for obvious reasons.

-Secretly a bit of a romantic, but he doesn't have a way of expressing it, so he just keeps it to himself.

-He was that kid who always had a book with him wherever he went.

-Had a phase where he was obsessed with Greek mythology.

-He used to go on the roof at night and track the stars. Had a really nice telescope, charts, the whole thing.

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