Theater AU

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[A.N: Got this idea from a friend.]


-He's usually one of the crew members but he'd really like to be onstage, however he gets pretty nervous when trying to perform.

-He's actually not half bad as an actor, just his nervousness gets in the way of everything.

-A couple of times he gets told by the director that he isn't loud enough and to speak up. (Again, his cursed nerves getting in his way.)

-He always has quite a bit of fun with the other actors and crew members backstage and during rehearsal.

-When he does get onstage, he's usually given the part of a side character, but he sometimes wishes he could be one of the lead roles.

-More than likely would almost always get the part of a younger character.


-One of the best actors, just gonna put that out there already.

-He takes his role very seriously, sometimes a little too seriously.

-What's kind of funny is that the people in wardrobe have a bit of a hard time finding things that will fit him. (Usually it's the sleeves that don't fit.)

-If he doesn't get the role he as going for and gets put backstage, he will be fuming for weeks. Even after the show's over.

-Hates being backstage. He knows he's one of the better actors and he should be out there, not behind props and sets.

-However, he is really good with the lights up on the catwalk, surprisingly. He's been asked a couple times by the director if he'd like to work the lights and every time Bakugou's refused, saying he wants to be onstage.

-So if he doesn't have a role, expect him to be up with the lights.


-He's too quiet to be an actor and constantly gets told he isn't loud enough.

-When he does project loud enough, he's actually pretty good.

-Typically if Todoroki has a role, he's usually playing an older kind of character. One who's usually a side character, but a rather important one at that.

-Doesn't mind if he's onstage or backstage. I honestly think he prefers backstage.

-The reason I think he likes backstage better is because the make up department always has a bit of a hard time covering up his scar with all the variants of powders and make up.

-He's very good with props, whether that's making them or placing them onstage, he gets them looking almost like movie quality practically every time.


-At first was rather nervous to be onstage. He didn't want to mess anything up.

-After getting used to the feeling of being onstage, Kirishima can't get enough of it. He may only play a supporting character most times, but he does a great job at it.

-Sometimes if he's given a roll bigger than what he's accustomed to, he'll want to back out of it at first, saying someone else should have it, but he quickly gets over himself and gets on with it.

-If he does get put backstage, he'll more than likely be making props for the show.

-Pretty good with props, surprisingly. He's really good at putting them together, not so much so at positioning them.

-However, if he's onstage, sometimes the people in wardrobe have a hard time finding things for his character.

-He has the same costume problems that Bakugou does: Finding things that fit.


-He's the most comedic actor of all of them.

-Falls out of character the most and gets ragged on by the director for it.

-Forgets his lines all the time.

"And...  what's my line again?"

-Don't trust him with any of the props, he'll more than likely break them or get them dirty and ruin them.

-He doesn't mind being backstage. He's pretty flexible and can work with just about anything.

-Kaminari sometimes prefers being backstage just so he can have a little more fun with the other crew members along with some of the actors who're backstage more than onstage.

-Since he isn't trusted with any props or costumes in fear of ruining them, Kaminari's usually running sound.

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