Chapter Six

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Severus Snape cocked an eyebrow at the topic Professor Jorkins announced as the lesson for Defense Against the Dark Arts on the cool Monday morning. He raised his hand sleekly into the air, not waiting to be called on, "But Professor Jorkins, didn't we learn about Boggarts in our Third Year?"

The old man smiled at the dark haired boy, folding his hands over his large stomach as he lightly leaned against the shaking wardrobe beside him, "Yes, Mr. Snape, you did indeed learn about Boggarts in your Third Years. In theory. I taught you about them briefly, in passing, but now that we're older and more mature I want to go in depth. Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?"

Scattered across the room were half a dozen hands raised. The leathery skinned man smiled softly as he decided on whom he was going to call on, ultimately jabbing his thumb in the direction of the pair seated right in front of him, "Ms. Evans?"

"A Boggart is a shapeshifter. They take shape of whatever the particular person fears the most," Lily clearly answers, sounding as though she was reciting from a textbook as the wardrobe beside the Professor shook a little more violently as she described the creature.

"Very good, Ms. Evans. Five points to Gryffindor. Can anyone tell me the incantation to banish a Boggart?"

Remus' hand slowly shot erect, catching the attention of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. "Mr. Lupin?"


Across the room, at the row of tables reserved for the Slytherin of the class, Lucius Malfoy scoffed and rolled his eyes, mumbling to his friends, "This class is ridiculous."

"If only we were all as witty as Malfoy," Alex whispered to Gideon, rolling her eyes at Malfoy's comment as the Twin snickered.

Professor Jorkins, having only heard Malfoy's comment regarding the class, clapped his hands excitedly before instructing everyone out of their seats so he could magically remove all the furniture from the large classroom with the exception of the wardrobe that the Boggart was currently residing in. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy, for volunteering to go first. Now everyone line up behind Mr. Malfoy."

"Now, Lucius, what frightens you most of all?"

Lucius Malfoy was not the type to admit he had fears like everyone else in the world, so his hesitation was evident. He ran his hand through his platinum blonde hair, swallowing the frog in his throat, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, sir."

After hearing the Slytherin about ten people ahead of her's greatest fear, Letti couldn't help but snort. Luckily it was only loud enough to be heard by the people directly in front and behind her. Letti chuckled lightly as Fabian turned to face her, "Oh the irony."

"Very good, Mr. Malfoy. So what I want you to do, is when the boggart comes out of the wardrobe, I want you to imagine him turning into a baby and begin sucking on his thumb. Wand at the ready, one, two, three," Jorkins instructed, reiterating the incantation to the class before moving to the wardrobe to release the creature.

Following the clicking of the unlocked wardrobe was a snakelike man wrapped in the darkest of black robes that barely covered his bare nearly translucent feet, with eyes of blood red staring into the students' souls, Lord Voldemort, stumbling out into the open classroom, standing in front of Lucius. He was instructing the terrified Slytherin Sixth year to join him or he'd kill his friends and family, everyone he loves and cares for, and to extend his right forearm so he could bear the Dark Mark, the mark of his faithful and loyal followers. 

Lucius stood there, unmoving, terrified to so much as breathe in the direction of the Dark Lord. Professor Jorkins saw this, slowly moving closer to the student as he encouraged him to focus and successfully cast the spell, "Think, Lucius, think. Focus."

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