Chapter Ninety

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"What time was little Neville born, Frank?" Sirius asked as he paced outside Lily's hospital room, grimacing at each cry of pain that came from behind the closed door.

Frank smiled at his friend's that lined the walls of the hallway, all waiting for the Potter son to be brought into the world, "Oh, um I couldn't tell you, I was too distracted by Alice nearly breaking my hand but I know it was before midnight. So his birthday is the 30th."

Alex's eyes went wide, having selfishly hoped that Neville Longbottom would be the child of her prophecy. Her eyes darted sideways at the Marauder that would ultimately betray them all, seeing that he too shared her selfish sadness about Neville having been born on July 30th.

Remus lightly squeezed Alex, pulling her hateful glare from Peter, smiling up at the proud father, "Well congratulations, Longbottom. Give our wishes to Alice, we don't want to bother her while she rests."

"Of course. Well, best get back to her. I don't want to miss another moment with them."

James burst from the hospital room, standing breathlessly in front of his alarmed friends. The four stared at the father, waiting for him to update them like he had for the past 12 hours. James' mouth turned at the corners, smiling brightly at his best friends, "She did it. I have a son!"

Sirius tackled his best friend, clapping him on the shoulder as they all celebrated the newest addition to their little family. After Alex hugged her cousin, congratulating him for the birth of his son, she turned to have Remus. He pulled her to his chest as she mumbled, "It's happening. I don't want to be right-"

"You guys coming to meet him?" asked Sirius, interrupting her as she whined into Remus' chest. When she turned to face him, Sirius frowned at the redness in her face, "What's wrong, Lex?"

She shook her head, smiling at the black haired man, "Nothing. I'm just happy. Come on, let's meet our godson."

Lily held her newborn baby close to her chest, smiling down at his perfect face. He smiled in his sleep, stirring whenever she shifted him in her arms. "Oh my beautiful baby boy."

The Marauders stood against the wall, watching the new mother with her son. James was terrified to hold his son because he was scared that he'd drop him after the hours of taunting he received from Sirius about the fact he could barely keep a hold of a Quaffle so how was he supposed to hold a baby. Granted he only said those things to get him to relinquish holding their goddaughter, Adhara. Sirius watched his godson, already loving him the same way he loved Remus and Alex's daughter, more than anyone else in the world. Peter loved babies but he knew that he couldn't hold him until he was big enough to hold up his head on his own because he is a klutz. Remus loved the baby Potter but of course feared the worst, scared that somehow he would hurt the baby.

Alex never liked babies, with the exception of her own child, she thought they were gross and annoying but she couldn't help but fall in love with her godson as hard as she had when she saw her daughter for the first time. Alex softly cooed so she wouldn't wake the boy, "What are you going to name him Lils? Prongs?"

Lily and James meet each other's eyes, smiling. James peeled himself off the wall, gently taking his son from his wife's arms, "Everyone this is Harry James Potter. Harry, these are your aunt and uncles."

James passed his cousin her godson, making sure Harry saw his godmother before Sirius. She cautiously took the child, still scared to hold babies though she had a month old asleep at the Weasley's, cradling his head as she smiled down at the infant, "Mon beau filleul."

"My turn, Lex. You can't hog our godson," Sirius whined, reaching out for the group's latest addition.

"I thought you didn't like kids?" James asked, softly laughing at the faces the two were making about who got to hold their godson.

Sirius looked down at the boy with beautiful green eyes, smiling with tears in his eyes as Harry stirred in his slumber, "Changed my mind."

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