Chapter Fifty-nine

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Just as the twelfth hour rang, Lily Evans appeared at the front door of the Potter home. The house elf let the redhead in, leading her into the family room where all her friends were with the exception of her boyfriend. Sirius looked up from admiring his gift from James, slipping the ring on his ring finger as he met the eyes of their visitor, "Happy Christmas, Miss Evans. Don't you look dashing. What's the occasion, the means for this visit? I thought you were set to come on New Year's Eve?"

Lily rolled her eyes at the wolf whistles that Sirius cued from Alex and Remus, blushing at the compliments as she entered the room and sat on the arm of his chair, "It's Tunie's wedding day and James is my date. And thank you. You don't look half bad yourself, for someone wearing a matching set of Christmas pajamas."

Sirius looked between himself and Peter, not embarrassed to be wearing matching pajamas. They were a gift and it's undeniable that he loves Christmas. He chuckled, "You should have seen your boyfriend last night."

"He was dressed up like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," Peter divulged, giggling at the memory from the night before. When James transformed into Prongs, his nose painted red with lipstick, and galloped around the Mansion as they sang the song.

James bounded down the staircase, dressed in his nicest button down shirt and slacks, his smile becoming much more brilliant after seeing his beloved girlfriend for the first time in over a week, "Happy Christmas, love."

Lily happily accepted the kiss, clinging tightly to her boyfriend as she giggled at the piece of information his best friends provided her not moments before his arrival, "What's this I hear about you dressing as Rudolph?"

"That's a long story Lily, but rest assured he was a rather adorable Rudolph. Anyways, shouldn't you be on your way? I hear it's a perfect day for a white wedding."

Lily rolled her eyes at the reminder of her sister's wedding, not finding Alex's pun amusing, "Leave it to my sister to have a wedding on Christmas to ensure everyone in the family will be there."

"Are you sure you want to go?" Remus questioned one more time, hearing the irritation in her voice. "We know you're upset that she didn't want you to be in the wedding."

James nodded, agreeing with Remus' implication that they didn't have to attend the wedding where they weren't entirely wanted by the couple, "Yeah, darling. We don't have to go. It's up to you."

"No, I want to go. It's my sister, how many times am I going to be able to see her get married?"

"Well, it could go one of two ways. She's found the only man in the world who can put up with her and this will be the only time she ever marries. Or... she'll be a serial bride." Alex offers completely serious, making her friends laugh at her suggestion.

"No offense, love. But your sister is a witch and I don't mean the same kind of witch you are." James joked, hoping that she wouldn't be offended in his opinion about her sister.

However, she was indeed offended. She glowered at him, barking, "Hey, that's my sister you're talking about. Now, it's decided, James and I will be going to Petunia and Vernon's wedding. And you will stay here."

"Yes ma'am," the blonde saluted, making the redhead smile. "Tell your mother I said hello."

"Will do."

The remaining four scattered about the Mansion, writing letters home, admiring the gifts they'd received that morning, and doing small mindless tasks Euphemia and Fleamont gave them before they left that morning. James and Lily weren't gone but an hour when the four regrouped in the living room where Remus was curled up. Sirius sat across from him, watching as Alex sat beside him and stole much of his blankets, "How are you feeling, Moony?"

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