Chapter Eighty-nine

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"I have a feeling that today is not going to be a good day."

Alex stared down at her hand, twisting the rings that adorned her fingers as she contemplated the off feeling that claimed her.

James slid the teacup across the table toward his wife, raising an eyebrow at the blonde as she fiddled with her limited jewelry, "Why?"

"Well for starters, it's the anniversary of Noah and my mother's death," she started looking up from her fingers, meeting her cousin's eye. Raising her shoulders slightly, Alex hid her hands in the pockets of her cardigan, "But I don't know how to describe it, I just feel like something is about to happen."

"Maybe it's just your hormones."

"That's not something you're supposed to say to someone growing a human inside of their body. It's just rude," Lily scolded as she sent Sirius a disapproving look, offended for her friend who was also about eight months pregnant.

Alex shook her head no, pulling a note Gideon had left in her pocket out as she rose from the table, "No, maybe he's right. Maybe I'm just letting my hormones get the best of me."

Fabian and Letti were curled up on the couch of their flat, watching Muggle television. Gideon walked out of the bathroom, plopping down on their laps laughing, "When are you two going to get married already? You've been in love with each other since 3rd year."

Lisette's cheeks turned a bright red, hiding her face in the pillow that was sitting beside them. Fabian smirked, taking the pillow out from in front of his girlfriend's face, "When Letti says yes."

"Wait, what?" She asked, taken for a loop by his answer.

Fabian chuckled as Gideon slid off their laps, allowing him to get down on one knee, "Lisette Cordelia Lightwood, I will love you until my last breath on this Earth. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Before Lisette could give the love of her life an answer, the door to their flat was blown open and five Death Eaters swarmed into the room. Letti cocked an eyebrow at the one that was unmasked, Antonin Dolohov, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that it's rude to show up to someone's home unannounced without a gift?"

Antonin sneered at the brunette as all five of the Death Eaters drew their wands in unison and pointed them at the trio, "Didn't your mother ever teach you to read the room?"

Letti snorted, drawing her wand as well and training it at Dolohov, "No, my mother's dead. Way to pick at that scab."

"Well, then tell your mum I said hi," Dolohov taunted before he shot a Killing Curse at her.

The other four Death Eaters did the same, the three Gryffindors cast a shield spell and the flashes of green bounced off and came back to their casters. "Why don't you tell her yourself, you arrogant prick," Letti screamed over the various curses that were flying around the small apartment.

After Fabian managed to dodge another Killing Curse, Letti yelled over her shoulder, "Hey Fab. As soon as this is over, you and I are going to get Allie and then we're gonna get married." 

With that Lisette Lightwood was hit square in the chest by a stunning spell, sending her backward into another Death Eater's curse. The last thing Lisette saw was the smug grin her fiancée had when she said she'd marry him.

Fabian and Gideon watched her limp body crash into the floor in horror, both savagely sending curse after curse at their attackers. The brothers were back to back, screaming any and all spells they could think of until they both took their last breaths. Antonin Dolohov and four Death Eaters brutally murdered Fabian and Gideon Prewett and Lisette Lightwood in their own home.

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