September 1st, 1971

221 8 1

Three Muggleborn first years stood in front of a brick wall in between Platforms 9 and 10, carts full of trunks and owls in cages which earned them peculiar looks from passersby, all unsure of how on Earth they're going to make it to a nonexistent platform by the number of 9 and 3/4. The smallest blonde looked around, tightly holding onto her curly haired best friend's hand, looking for either her parents or for someone who knew where their destination lay.

"Try running through the wall, dear," a warm voice behind them suggests, scaring the trio of children.

The trio turn around to see a tall, skinny redhead and her children. Two of them looked to be their own age of eleven but the other was holding a baby on her hip. The mother of the three redheads laughed as the children gave her a look that said that she belonged in the looney-bin. She places her hand on her eldest's shoulder, "Molly, dear, why don't you show these dear little ones what I mean." Not saying a word in response to the request, Molly walked straight into the part of the wall that was in between the platforms 9 and 10 as she made faces at her baby boy with flaming red tuffets of hair. The trio braced themselves for the impact, waiting for the exclamations of pain and the shrill of the baby's cry, only to see her effortlessly disappear into where she had entered.

"Bloody Hell!" The trio gasped, amazed by the magic they'd witnessed.

"Language!" A tall, smiling woman with perfectly pinned honey blonde hair scrutinized, hearing the children's choice of words.

The three kids saw their mum, instantly looking down in shame, "Sorry, Mum."

The mother directed her three First years in between platforms 9 and 10 as they saw the young mother previously do, immediately followed by the redheaded twins and their mother. Bursting through the magical barrier, the three children saw sights they didn't normally see everyday in Marseille, France, astonished by what the world held for them now that they were a part of the Wizarding World. A scarlet steam engine sat idle in front of them with the words: HOGWARTS EXPRESS painted on the side.

"I'm Fabian Prewett and this is my brother Gideon," the redhead introduced themselves as their mums were having a conversation of their own behind them.

The only boy of the trio pointed to the brunette, "This is Lisette Lightwood, my twin Alexandra Worth and I am Noah."

"Bye Mum. We'll see you on holiday. Love you," Alexandra assures her mother before finally boarding the train to embark on her great adventure with her best friends.

Lisette tucked her dark curls behind her ears before linking arms with her best mate in the entire world, Alexandra Aurora Worth. The pair skipped down the halls, following a short distance behind the boys, as they sought out a compartment for the five of them to share. Finally finding one that was completely empty, the Prewetts and their new friends made that their place until they reached Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The Prewett twins looked at the Worth twins with such curiosity. They, being identical twins, found it an oddity that they looked completely different and were of the opposite gender but still were, in fact, twins. Fabian leaned back in his seat, smiling at his three new friends, "So, what House do you lot want to be in?"

"We want to be in Gryffindor like everyone else in our family," Gideon tells them, eager to hear their hopes.

The three Muggleborns look at each other confused, they didn't know what a House meant at Hogwarts and they surely didn't know what a "Gryffindor" was. This new world they found themselves a part of was completely alien to them, peculiar and exciting but still foreign and exotic.

Noah looked at his new friends and shrugged, glancing out the window to watch the rushing scenery as they left London and embarked towards the countryside, "We don't know what that means, mate. We only learned about magic a few months back."

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