Chapter Sixty-nine

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Sirius trudged up the staircase, following Alex and Letti to the Prewett Brothers' dormitory early that Saturday morning, "Why is it that it feels like we're always celebrating someone's birthday?"

Letti rolled her eyes at Sirius' grumbling, stopping outside of the other dormitory to house Seventh year Gryffindor boys, "Because our friend group has at least ten people in it. Now shut it so we can wish my best friend and boyfriend happy birthday. "

"And I thought you were bossy," James laughed into his cousin's ear before Lisette pushed open the door of Fabian, Gideon, Frank, Kingsley and Timothy Jordan's dormitory.

"Happy birthday, Fabian and Gideon!"

The Twins' three roommates jumped out of bed, startled by the sudden crescendo of exclamations. Timothy, though happy that it was his two best friends' birthday, cursed Letti and Alex for their last April 1st wake-up call, "It's a bloody Saturday, guys. Why couldn't you let us sleep in?"

"Because I love pissing you off, Jordan," Alex teased, offering him her hand to help him off the ground.

Letti snorted at their banter as Alex pulled him off the ground, waving a letter she'd received from Dumbledore earlier that morning, "And because the boys, Marlene and I were assigned our first Order mission, so these two need to be ready within the hour."

"You lucky bastards!" James and Sirius gasped together, jealous that Dumbledore had given them their first Order mission before either of them.

Before the four assigned to the mission left the grounds of Hogwarts, Fabian fought with the Prewett family owl Morgana for a letter addressed to him and his brother. Fabian beckoned his brother over, allowing him to read the letter with him. The eldest twin's jaw went slack as he pulled his shaggy hair out of his face, "Holy-"


Marlene, who'd just joined her three friends in the Common Room, furrowed her brow at the twins, "What? What's wrong?"

Curious about what her two best friends read, Letti took the piece of parchment from out of her boyfriend's hand, struggling to read Arthur Weasley's sloppy handwriting, "Their sister Molly had her twins this morning, Frederick Gideon Weasley and George Fabian Weasley."

"Happy birthday to us."

The quartet Apparated from Hogwarts, Dumbledore giving them temporary permission to Apparate despite the enchantments placed on the grounds of the school that prohibited anyone to Apparate to or from Hogwarts, popping into an empty field near the Lestrange Manor.

Letti took the letter from Professor Dumbledore out of the back pocket of her jeans, unfolding it to reread what their assignment for the mission was, "It says here that when Vold-"

"Don't say his name," Gideon hissed, cutting her off before she could finish speaking. "He put a taboo on his name. So if you're anywhere other than Hogwarts, he can track you and find you. So, please don't say his name."

"Fine. So, Dumbledore said that when he went to Hogwarts he stole a book from the restricted section. Something called the Secrets of the Darkest Arts. It's apparently very important and very dangerous and Dumbledore wants it back. And he believes that You-Know-Who left it with Bellatrix because she's quickly become his most trusted and loyal followers."

Fabian nodded, mulling over the possibilities of how they could approach the situation, "Okay, got it. So, break in. Hope no one's home. Steal a book that's protected by the craziest human I've ever had the displeasure of knowing and try not to die."

The four Apparated into what they assumed was the Manor Library, seeing that the walls were covered from floor to ceiling with hundreds if not thousands of books. Marlene and Gideon tried to use Accio to summon the book, quickly realizing that Bellatrix was smart enough to charm the book into remaining in place. Letti muttered a Point Me spell, making her wand into a compass to lead them towards their prize.

However, when they found the book and took it off the shelf, it triggered an alarm that immediately drew in Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, wands aimed at them.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Alex Worth's sidekick and her two pet blood-traitors. Now, why is it that you four broke into my house?" Bellatrix shrieked, the maniacal shrill of her voice filling the room as her husband remained quiet with his wand trained on Marlene.

Letti shrugged, keeping her hold on the book tight and of her wand tighter as she aimed it at Bellatrix's head, "Thought we'd stop by to say hello. I guessed we missed our Satan incarnate."

Before anyone could react, before Bellatrix would inevitably send a curse at them in an attempt to kill or maim them, Fabian pulled a firework he'd bought at Zonkos and threw it ablaze at Rodolphus. Bellatrix sent a stream of red at the twins, cursing them for attacking them. Marlene, not knowing what else to do as her three companions duelled the Lestranges', pointed her wand at the floor and screamed the first spell she could think of before taking their hands and Apparating out of the estate.

After Apparating into Hogsmeade Village, Marlene stumbled into the street, laughing at the adrenaline rush high she was experiencing, "Can I just say now, I both love and hate our job."

"I love this," Lisette snorted, twirling her wand between her fingers as the four of them walked through the quiet streets. "We fight for what's right, we're doing good no matter how tired we are or how discouraged we get. It gives each of us the second chance we're looking for."

Gideon stared at his best friend, blown away by her reasoning to love their job, "Shit, that was deep Lis."

"I have an idea."

Fabian's light brown eyes grew wide at Marlene's declaration, throwing his arm over his girlfriend’s shoulders, "Oh no, your last idea just turned Lestrange Manor into a swampland."

"Which was a brilliant idea," the blonde defended with a giggle, relishing in the reactions her hex received. "Anyways, I propose that we get tattoos to commemorate our first ever mission for the Order."

Lisette nodded eagerly, "I'm in, Marls. And I know just the guy to do it."

After the four returned to the Hogwarts Castle and gave Dumbledore the full report of their mission, including the last copy of Secrets of the Darkest Arts they'd stolen back, they climbed back into the Gryffindor Tower to find their friends waiting for them in the Gryffindor Common Room.

Remus yawned tiredly, looking up from the crossword puzzle he and Sirius were trying to complete to see the four of them stumble into the room, filling the room with giggles, "How was it?"

"I turned Bellatrix's Manor into a swamp," Marlene proudly announced, sitting on Lily's lap.

"I knew I liked you," Sirius laughed, offering her a high-five as the fire cracked and embers flew into the air.

The other three carefully sat down, trying not to hurt themselves as they leaned against the couch cushions. Fabian carefully threw his arm over the back of the couch, sore from their spontaneous tattoo, "What else did we do, Marlene? Tell them what you suggested we do after."

She pulled up her shirt, shocking everyone in the room that she was exposing her body to them. However, they soon realized why she was lifting her shirt when they saw a beautiful, fiery Phoenix stretching its wings under her breasts. "We got tattoos."

On cue, the other three rose from the couch, turning their backs to their friends as they exposed their backs to show them each of their large, detailed phoenix.

"Now that's amazing," Alex marveled, climbing out of her seat at the window to examine the artwork that adorned their bodies.

"Admit it, Fab, this is one of my better ideas," Marlene teases, knowing that the ginger was in love with his first tattoo.

Fabian rolled his eyes at the blonde, carefully pulling on his shirt, "Fine, McKinnon. This was actually a good idea."

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