Chapter Sixty-two

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"So, Evans, what are we doing for your birthday?" Sirius hummed, wedging himself between her and her boyfriend.

Lily laughed as she moved down the bench to sit closer to Fabian Prewett, rolling her eyes at the question regarding the plans she didn't have, "Sirius, when have I ever gone out of my way to celebrate my birthday? The answer is never. And besides, my birthday is on Monday. It's Friday, there's hardly time to plan a party."


Lily looked up from her tea, locking eyes with Alex, "Pardon me?"

Remus laughed alongside the blonde, remembering not four months ago when she planned Narcissa Black's birthday party in less than a day. Alex smiled smugly as she reminded the redhead of that fact, "Not only did I plan Narcissa's birthday party in 24 hours, it was a complete surprise and she loved it. Not to mention the fact I've been the one who planned Fabian and Gideon's birthday parties since we were 13."

"If you want to orchestrate a birthday party then fine, I will not stop you and I will be grateful. But please, I implore you, do not invite the entire student body and don't make it on a school night."

Alex clapped happily, accepting the challenge, "Okay, everyone clear your calendars for Saturday night. That will be the day. Now, would anyone like to help me or am I going to do it alone?"

James looked immediately to his left, meeting Sirius' stormy gray eyes, seeing the opportunity to bring Sirius and Alex together for the second part of his plan to help his cousin in realizing her true feelings. Catching on to what he was trying to convey to him, Sirius slightly raised his hand, "I'll help. I've got nothing to do today and you shouldn't have to do it all by yourself."

"Then it's settled, Alex and Sirius will plan the party. And Remus, Pete and I will construct the guest list, making sure to only invite your friends," James hummed as he took a bite from his apple.

Across the room, Alex couldn't help but find Severus Snape seated amongst the known Death Eaters and remembered how close he and Lily were throughout their childhood and up until two years ago. Surprisingly, Severus looked up from his book and met her eye despite the two House Tables that separated them and smiled. She cleared her throat, catching Lily's attention, " Speaking of guests, Lily, would you like me to invite Snape to your party?"

Lily looked over her shoulder, following Alex's line of sight to the Slytherin she formerly considered as her oldest and best friend but turned away when he smiled at Lily as well, "No, I think not. I haven't quite forgiven him yet. You know what he called me and all I was trying to do was help him."

"Love, he was embarrassed. You found him in a quite compromising position. Granted it was my fault, I shouldn't have used his spell against him. You've forgiven us for our spats with him, try and consider how he was feeling in that moment," James advised, looking over his shoulder as well to find Snape leaving the Great Hall along with Lucius Malfoy and Antonin Dolohov.

Everyone seated around them looked at James Potter in awe, shocked to hear such maturity come from him. Lisette rose from the table, Fabian following her to go find his brother, "Color me impressed James. Very mature. See you all later, good luck with the party planning you two."

Like Letti and Fabian, Remus and Peter rose from the table announcing that they were going to go meet Charlie and Emmeline Vance in visiting Hagrid for tea, leaving James, Sirius, Alex and Lily to discuss what Lily might be interested in for her birthday party until the designated party planners dismissed themselves to the Room of Requirement to plan the party that would be in full swing in less than 36 hours.

Alex stiffly swished her wand, moving the heavy furniture in the room to the walls to clear in the center of the room, "Why am I not surprised that Lily wanted a sleepover? She was the one who orchestrated that girl's night after our first Quidditch Match. The reason she's never had a party is because she shares a room with her best friends so she never needed to have a slumber party."

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