Chapter Seven

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"Alex, have you gotten the Defense Against the Dark Arts essay finished? I've only got four inches but I need another to meet the requirement," Remus asked Alex that sunny Saturday morning, mindlessly stirring his cup of peppermint tea.

She didn't even look up from her reading of the Daily Prophet as she teased him, making a joke at his expense, "Is that a problem you have a lot, Lupin?"

Everyone seated around them burst into uncontrollable laughter as Remus' face turned a shade of red darker than Lily Evans' hair. Letti loudly snorted as she buried her amused smile into her boyfriend's shaking shoulder as the other Marauder's loudly laughed at Remus' embarrassment.

Alex couldn't help but smirk at his reaction, finding the instant flush in his pale skin as a sign of her success, the corners of her mouth twitching as she fought the urge to laugh at her own joke. "But yes, to answer your question Remus, I have finished the essay on Boggarts. But no, I will not aid the man who has been relentlessly bugging me alongside his mates in hopes that I would one day become your friend," She told him, folding her newspaper.

She chuckled to herself as she remembered what she had awaiting them, "Honestly, you lot are lucky I haven't pranked you yet."

On that note she left the Great Hall, leaving the Marauders looking to one another intrigued. No one was brave enough to prank them aside from the Prewett brothers but little did they know, she was actually the brains of that operation and they won't know what hit them.

Letti smirked at her plate of scrambled eggs and toast as her friend left for the morning, curious as to what her prank for Jame, Sirius, Remus and Peter was because she wasn't in on it, for once. "Lightwood, do you know what she has planned?" Fabian whispered in his girlfriend's ear, noticing the smile that pulled at her mouth.

The brown haired girl shook her head no, only to be asked the same question by a slightly nervous Peter Pettigrew seated across from her, "Lisette, what does she have planned? Should we be nervous?"

"With her, yes, be afraid. Be very afraid because she may be small and can seem like she's innocent but she's actually an evil mastermind. Always expect trouble. You wouldn't believe the pranks she used to pull on me and Noah when we were little," she laughed in a fond memory of their childhood before an uncontrollable wave of sadness rushed over her at the mention of his name.

Sometimes, she forgets about what happened. 

James, Sirius, and Peter all looked at each other quite nervously for what was in store, not noticing the change in her demeanor, whereas Remus kept his eyes on the brunette, seeing the lingering pain behind her dark brown eyes. "Noah? Why does that name sound familiar? Who's Noah, Lisette?" Remus quietly asked, scooting down the bench to be closer to her so she didn't have to announce it to everyone.

Fabian, Gideon, and Letti shared a look, silently debating whether they should tell Remus the truth. Fabian squeezes her shoulders, trying to comfort her through her sadness but she shakes his arm off, walking away from the table, simply stating, "That's not my place to tell, Lupin."

Alex had been taking notes for the past couple days, if not weeks.
She'd had some archived from when she and Letti pranked the Marauders alongside the Prewetts but now that they're always around her, she had more than enough to make this a prank they'd always remember.

For the first phase of the elaborate prank, she found herself running straight to the boy's dormitory. Laughing at her handiwork, she left the room and the Gryffindor Tower itself to initiate her second phase: finding her targets.

"Seriously guys, I'm actually kind of nervous about what her first move will be. I mean, we don't know her all that well so we have absolutely no idea what she's capable of," James whined as the four of them passed a hidden Alex on their way to the Quidditch Pitch to help train Remus for the upcoming Quidditch tryouts before they left for Hogsmeade.

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