Chapter Forty-six

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"I'm going whether he likes it or not."

The Marauders, Lisette and Alex sat in the boy's dormitory that Tuesday evening, mentally drained from their day full of classes and interactions with classmates. The Full Moon was that evening and the group of six was faced with the same dilemma they had the year prior when discussing who should accompany the werewolves in the Shrieking Shack. And yet again, Alex was faced with her closest friend trying to bench her.

 "Letti has gotten over it, has seen reason. So it's about damn time you do too, Remus. We don't have Wolfsbane for you this time. I couldn't get enough ingredients in time and I'm really sorry about that. But I'm not going to sit back and worry about you guys all night. I've been doing this a lot longer than those three and I want to help. I will help and there is nothing any of you can say or do to stop me from coming tonight!" 

The brunette watched her best friend scream at the four men with admiration, wishing that she knew how to love someone that fiercely. Sirius looked at the girl whose ferocity is bigger than her stature, knowing she wasn't going to listen to a word they said. Sirius sighed, running his fingers through his unkempt black hair, "She's strong enough, Rem. Stronger than any of us. She's honestly the better person to handle Moony and Star than Prongs and I because she's a wolf and bigger than us. I'm with her on this, I want her to come."

"Al, we had this same fight last year. I'm not going to be the one to put you at risk. And I know you've done this longer than them, and quite frankly I don't care. I don't care if Merlin himself says it's a good idea, I'm not going to put you in danger," Remus argued, standing up from his seat towering over her.

Alex always hated the fact that she was short, especially when all her friends stood over a foot taller than her. She stood on top of Peter's bed, snarling down at him, "I don't give a flying rat's ass about you feeling like you're endangering me. I've been endangering myself willingly since I was 12. I don't need your goddamn permission and I'm definitely not asking for it. I could die any day because of my blood status, I'm not scared of your bloody condition because honestly that's not even the worst thing I've experienced. Not even the top ten. I am going tonight. I've only ever missed one full moon for Letti and look what happened, no offense Siri, but that's that."

The blonde stormed out of the dormitory, slamming the door behind her. Letti cleared her throat to break the silence, "Why are you so against her helping, I bet you never acted like this when these three boneheads first tried to help?"

She knew the answer, frankly everyone did. Everyone except for Alex because she's oblivious to everything that isn't tangible, like feelings. Remus Lupin loved the blonde more than he cared to admit. She may accept the monster, but he definitely never wanted her to see him as the monster at the risk that she'd run away.

"You fancy her, Padfoot. How could you agree to let her come?" Remus growled at his mate, avoiding the question.

Sirius agreed with Remus, honestly, but he knew that Alex would have done it regardless so it was easier to make her happy than argue. Padfoot dragged his hands down his face, groaning, "Because she already lost her trust in me once. I've finally earned it back and I'm not losing it over an argument we all know she's going to win because she's too bullheaded to listen to you. I care for her enough to give her what she wants even if I do think it's stupid."

"When will you two get it through your thick skulls? She loves us too fiercely to abandon us when we need her. Do you know how many times she and I have had this exact same fight? More times than you have gone through a Cycle, Remus. She would fight the Dark Lord himself if it meant that she could help us. Don't tell her she can't do something because she'll do it without your permission just out of spite," Letti told them, silencing them.

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