Chapter Sixty-six

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Sirius trudged into the Great Hall, slamming his body onto the bench beside Alex and Remus. He quickly poured himself a cup of coffee, sleepily dragging the heel of his hand across his eyes, "Who thought it a good idea to have a Quidditch match on Sunday? I just want to relax for one blasted day."

"You got to relax yesterday, we didn't have Practice yesterday," James recalled, rolling his eyes at Sirius' complaint.

"And I thank you, Alex, for that. But ever heard of a lazy Sunday? I would love to just do absolutely nothing." Sirius groaned, wanting to go back to sleep.

Alex, running on less than an hour of sleep, didn't buy into Sirius' complaints as she mindlessly stirred the milk into her coffee, "Well if you really feel that way, I'm sure Kingsley or Marlene would be more than willing to play in your place."

"Put me in Coach, I'm ready to play," Kingsley happily sang, knowing that she would replace Sirius for him if he continued to complain.

Sirius shot a look of betrayal towards his friend offering to replace him for the Match, shaking his head lightly as he began to pile food onto his plate, "No, I'm fine. I'm just complaining."

Remus bumped the blonde's wrist with his own, catching her attention only to redirect it to his copy of the Daily Prophet, "Have you seen this?"

"Well, now you have one more thing to complain about?"

Alex glanced down at the folded newspaper, not listening to Lisette as she ran her fingers faintly along one of the headlines that screamed on the page: MUGGLE FAMILY MURDERED! Her temperature rose, staring intensely at the page as she read the latest family to fall victim to Voldemort's magical bigotry and violence. She met Remus' eyes, sharing his look of fear at the realization that this War was only really getting started.

"And what's that?" Sirius hummed as he looked up from his plate at the brunette seated across from him, mouth full of food.

Lily pointed past him, towards the floor to ceiling stained glass window, "It's raining. Like the end of times, Noah's arc kind of rains."

The Quidditch Pitch was already flooded, the gusts of wind blowing hard enough to cause the flags that hung over the sides of the stadium billowing. Madam Hooch offered the Captains the option to reschedule for nicer weather, however neither took her up on it.

"Good luck, Digs," she smiled, turning to gather her teammates.

Timothy Jordan's commentary was nearly impossible to decipher, his words muffled together as his microphone was waterlogged. The stands, typically filled with fans, had very little in attendance, no one particularly interested in getting drenched nor catching pneumonia. But those who were present, as usual, exhibited pride and inspiration for their friends on the Pitch.

The Match began and the Hufflepuff chasers quickly fought for the Quaffle, trying to fly around the Gryffindor team but finding themselves unfruitful as the Prewett Brothers aimed the bludgers at them, causing a turnover.

Thomas Tonks, younger brother to Ted Tonks, the Hufflepuff newest Beater slammed his bat into the bludger, aiming it for Sirius, only to be evaded. Sirius couldn't help but laugh, recognizing him, "So much for family, Tonks."

"It's only through marriage, you'll survive."

James managed to snake the pass from Sirius, maneuvering past as many of his friends as possible until he managed to score on Dorcas. The game continued on for thirty minutes, everyone struggling to keep on their brooms as the weather fought against them. Not many goals were made, each time someone managed to get ahold of the Quaffle the rain made it harder than usual to keep in their possession.

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