Chapter Fifty-six

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"Slughorn's Christmas Party invitations, right on time," Sirius chuckled, handing the emerald green envelopes to those it was addressed to, this year that list included Charlie Johnson.

Charlie looked down at her invitation, genuinely surprised that it was addressed to her, that she was the latest addition of the Slug Club, "Didn't think I made the cut."

"See, again, another person who makes more sense in being a part of the Slug Club than I do," Alex laughed, reading the same line from the year before about dates being encouraged. "I'm proud of you, Charles. So, the million dollar question is who will be your date?"

Charlie looked up from the invitation, meeting the other Hufflepuff's eye from across the breakfast table, "Eddie, would you like to be my date to the party?"

"Of course, I'd love to be your date," Eddie eagerly accepts, bringing a slight blush to both the Hufflepuffs cheeks.

James looked over at the other two in their friend group who'd received an invitation, knowing that he'd be going with his girlfriend, "What about you two? Who are you going to take to the party?"

The pair shared a look, waiting for the other to answer the question first. Seeing this exchange Sirius made a joke, "Guys, you two don't have to fight over who gets to take me. I'll go with both of you."

"Oh thanks," the blonde laughed, rolling her eyes at him as they arose from the table to go to Charms.

Remus and Alex walked together from the Library to the Common Room in silence, both mentally drained from their time studying. The Prefect cleared his throat, looking down at the blonde, "Hey, Al? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course-"


Amos came jogging down the hall, his tie threatening to fall off his neck as he ran towards the pair. When he stopped in front of them, he couldn't help but smile brightly at his friend, "Hi."

"Hi. What's up, Digs?"

Running his fingers through his freshly trimmed bronze hair, Amos nervously asked as he made eye contact with the pair, "I was wondering, seeing as Slughorn's party is this weekend, if you would be my date? Come with me to the party?"

"Uh..." she looked up at Remus, noting that his eyes were wide. "Yeah, sure. We can go to the party together. But I'm not wearing a dress."

"Great. Then I'll see you later then. Bye Remus."

"What was it you were going to ask me?" the blonde hummed, turning back to her companion after Amos walked away from them.

He opened his mouth to speak, feeling embarrassed that Amos beat him to asking Alex to be his date to the Christmas party on Saturday, but he struggled to formulate the words. Clearing his throat, he dismissively shook his head, "Nothing. Someone beat me to the punch."

Realizing what he meant, Alex quickly looked away and opened the Gryffindor portrait hole, "Oh. I'm sorry."

"What is going on here?"

Sirius snaps his head to the door, finding the snickering blonde leaning against the doorframe of the Gryffindor Common Room with Remus standing close in her shadow. The dark haired boy looked down at his hands, which are currently in Marlene's grasp as she steadily painted his closely bitten nails the deepest shade of black she had in her possession.

Marlene chuckled, looking back at Alex as she and Remus joined them at the coffee table nearest the warm fireplace, "Siri, here, is getting his nails painted for the Christmas party."

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