Chapter Twelve

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After the haunting dream Alex had about James and Lily's death, she officially made up her mind that she'd be discussing her dreams with Professor Dumbledore. So after Sirius finally went back to bed in the early hours of the morning, she sent Dumbledore an owl telling him about all the dreams she's been having in the past few months.

"What happened to you? You look like you haven't slept in days," Remus asked the blonde after the group of them left Defensive Against the Dark Arts, concerned by the darkening circles that lived under her eyes.

"Don't be rude. She had a nightmare, mate," Sirius explained, walking closely behind them.

Alex glowered up at her companion, extremely irritable this particular morning and in no mood to be messed with. After seeing James and Lily's lifeless bodies that night in her dreams, she couldn't close her eyes without seeing the images of them dead. "Oh why thank you, Lupin, I do love it when someone tells me how tired I look. I couldn't go back to sleep last night okay, not that it's any of your business." 

Professor Morrison, the Muggle Studies teacher, hummed happily about the invention of the automobile, disinteresting many of the students who'd grown up in the Muggle world. Lily sat at the desk beside Alex and Letti, diligently taking notes despite having heard this lecture in Primary school as many Muggleborns do. Eddie balanced his pen under his nose, not paying attention while Charlie mindlessly doodles on her parchment and Amos softly snored, having been asleep since he sat down. James and Sirius propped their feet up on their desk and began to drift off like the Hufflepuff ahead of them, that was until Professor Morrison caught Sirius' attention at the mention of a motorbike.

Alex wasn't taking notes either but instead she was drawing her family's car on her parchment, trying to focus her energy into something creative and that wasn't the constant image of her friend's dead bodies engrained in her mind. She watched Professor Morrison whimsically sway around the front of the classroom, putting her into a trance.

"The forgotten brother with the fate of his family in his hands, turns to the one who seeks to destroy... Upon the downfall of the once powerful force, martyrs are taken for the cause. One amongst the brotherhood will be betrayed by the one he trusted most.

The blonde shook her head, refocusing her blurred vision on the chalkboard to write down the information provided only to find that every single person in the classroom was staring at her, wondering why she was suddenly standing. Alex looked to her right, whispering to Letti as she seated herself back in her chair, "Why is everyone staring at me?"

"Uh, Allie, you just randomly stood up and sounded as though you were the Divination teacher. Who's the forgotten brother and who is he betraying?" Lisette asks rather loudly.

Professor Morrison skipped over to the blonde, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "I think you should go see Headmaster Dumbledore. You'll find that he will explain everything to you. The password's Lemon Drop."

Slowly walking down the empty hall, the soft sound of Alex's runners slapping against the stone floor filled the otherwise silent halls. Suddenly as she stands in front of the stone statue that stands outside of Professor Dumbledore's office, Alex begins to remember pieces of the nonsense she had outburst in Muggle Studies.

The forgotten brother...
Martyrs are taken for the cause...
Will be betrayed by the one he trusted.

She knocked on the doorframe to indicate she was there to see the Professor. "Come in my dear girl," Dumbledore chuckles, motioning for her to join him at the Pensieve.

The sixteen year old walked over to the man with a long charcoal grey robe, quietly panicking. Dumbledore was staring intently at the Pensieve, watching him talk quietly to a group of wizards.

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