Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Happy Birthday Twilight!" Remus, Peter, James and Sirius yell in a singing manner as they pounded on the mattress to wake up the girl.

Letti, startled awake by the yelling, jumped and fell off the bed, making a loud THUD as her body hit the hardwood floors. Alex, however, didn't move from her sleeping position, she simply raised her arm that had been hanging off the bed and stuck her middle finger up toward them, groaning into her pillow, "Oh piss off, you wankers. I just want to sleep."

The mischievous boys had other plans though, so Remus walked to the other side of the bed as James and Sirius got into position on the side they were on. Peter silently counted down from three and once he reached one, the three boys picked the small blonde up out of her bed and dropped her onto the floor to join Lisette.

The five of them laughed, all but Alex who was ready to murder those who disturbed her peaceful sleep. She calmly arose from the cold ground, readjusting her short pajama pants so she was fully covered. "I'm... going... to... kill you!" She threatened, chasing them downstairs and around the house until they all collapsed from laughter in the family room.

Lisette joined the exhausted and laughing group, plopping down onto the couch beside a shaking Remus and Sirius, "And now you know, never wake Allie up before she wants to get up because she will murder you."

"I understand that," Remus  chuckled as the laughter started to dwindle down.

"Why do you call her Allie?" 

"We each have a different nickname for her," Letti laughed as she answered Peter's question, reaching across Sirius to ruffle her best friend's hair affectionately. "I call her Allie. Fab calls her Xander, Gid and Sirius calls her Lex. Remus calls her Al, which I never would have thought to call her. And Noah-"

Alex braced herself when she heard her twin's name, not ready to hear the nickname he exclusively called her, but the name never came because James cut Letti off, "Well, I get to pick one now. How about... Alexa or Andy? Your choice."

"I've never heard either of those for Alexandra. But if I get to pick, I think I like Andy better," she chuckled, giving James a high-five with her choice.

Euphemia interrupted their gathering, instructing everyone to disperse and get ready for the evening ahead. The Potter's had planned an extravagant party, as per usual, for New Year's Eve and now they had an actual reason for them to celebrate rather than just having a party for a bunch of stuffy Purebloods. Because of this party, the Marauders all had to dress perfectly proper, so the boys all dressed in their nicest clothes while Euphemia made Alex and Lisette wear elegant floor length dresses.

"Do I really have to wear a dress? Couldn't I wear a nice shirt and slacks? I'll even compromise enough to wear a skirt," Alex grumbled as Euphemia laid out a long, black dress with a tulle skirt for her to try on. A dress that once belonged to her mother.

"Yes you do, Alexandra. That's all I ask of you. We're not making you announce that you're related to us so please for me," her aunt asked, also laying out a gold watch beside the gown.

Alex inspects it, it was her mother's watch but all shiny and new, "Fine, I'll wear the dress. Is that my watch?"

She picks it up off the vanity and clasps it on her niece's left wrist, "Yes, it is. Please don't be mad. It's tradition for a witch to receive a gold watch on her 17th birthday but I know that you'll only ever wear your mother's so I got it cleaned and polished for you."

The blonde hugs her aunt, cueing a heartfelt sigh from the brunette on watcher, "Thank you."

"Don't worry, Lisette, I didn't forget about you. But your birthday isn't for hours," Euphemia jokes, leaving the girls to put on their dresses in private.

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