Chapter Thirty-five

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Alex woke up late in the evening, finding that her dormitory was missing two of the four other people living there. The blonde pushed herself up on her elbows to find that Letti's perfectly made bed and Lily's disastrous bed were empty, as Marlene and Alice were peacefully sleeping on their own. Slipping on her Converse, Alex draped herself in the large cardigan that she'd draped over her bedframe and made her way to find her missing roommates.

Before she left the Common Room, the blonde found the one person that she'd actually planned to see today but hadn't managed to find, asleep under his usual shroud of blankets and quilts on the most comfortable couch. She smiled down at his seemingly peaceful sleep, lightly touched his shoulder, whispering as though not to wake him up, "I'm sorry it's so late, I haven't seen you all day. Happy Birthday, Rem."

"It's okay, love. Thank you..." he sleepily smiles as she leaves the Common Room in the direction of the Astronomy Tower.

"Couldn't sleep?"

The brunette and redhead turned in sync to see their friend smiling down at them, sliding down the cold stone wall and letting her feet hang off the Astronomy Tower as the morning sun slowly rose in the far horizon of the Scottish countryside. Lily nodded, pulling her legs to her chest and resting her head on Letti's shoulder, "I feel bad about Remus."

"Why would you feel bad about Remus?" Letti hummed, yawning as she thought about the classes they had later that day.

Lily shrugged, meeting Alex's eye and knowing that her interest had peaked at the mention of Remus' name, "It was his birthday and... and he spent it in the library and then on Prefect duty. Every other year, James and Sirius would plan some elaborate birthday party but this year there was nothing."

"Well, Remus loves the library. He didn't want anything done. There is no need to pity Remus," Alex counters, avoiding Lily's remark about one of the Marauders and excusing herself to get ready for the day ahead.

The day went by as did any other. Alex found herself sitting with her Hufflepuff friends throughout the day, maintaining the distance she'd been keeping between herself and Sirius Black. Ranging from the morning meal, where Remus decided to join her as she ate with Amos Diggory and Charlie Johnson rather than Narcissa Black, to Transfiguration by the grace of Professor McGonagall. And even during Double Potions, Amos and Nicholas moved to the same row as her and Remus.

The next morning, it was bright and slightly warm for the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch match. The upcoming match was well anticipated, the Gryffindor team was not a well oiled machine as it was during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match back in November. Needless to say, the reason for the falter was because of the nature of the Marauders friendship.

Alex and Letti entered the Great Hall for breakfast, with Fabian and Gideon tailing them. Rather than continuing on the path toward the long Gryffindor Table, Alex tried to turn and seat herself with Amos, Eddie, Charlie and their other friends in the Hufflepuff House. However, the Prewett twins caught her, each linking their arms through her's and half carried and half dragged her to sit with their teammates. She began to protest, leave the table regardless of them trying to keep them together, until she saw that Remus had been sitting there quietly as he ate his bacon.

James smiled brightly at his cousin as the tall gingers placed Alex on the bench besides Remus, "Andy! Are you ready for the Match?"

"Yeah, I bet Amos that we'd win and I'd beat him to the Snitch. So, I've got money riding on this," the blonde laughed, taking a piece of bacon off of Remus' plate.

"Where have you been lately, Alex? It's like you've gone missing?"

Alex ignored the inquiry, leaning past Remus to meet Gideon's eye, "Gid, can you do me a favor and try and knock Amos off his broom? I mean, don't hurt him but I really want to win."

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