Chapter Forty-two

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  "Allieee, I need out of this house! There's too much testosterone and Sirius... Sirius is driving me mad," Letti grumbled as she climbed into Allie's bed that night.

"Better you than me," Alex laughed. 

She's loved being there. She and James had gotten so much closer in the months of summer holiday. She had also moved past her confusion regarding Remus and Sirius, by simply ignoring it. Also, her and Aunt Euphemia have been spending quite a bit of time together, sparking a maternal bond that she'd lost. 

"What do you want me to do about it, Letti? It's not like we have many other places to go."

Lisette shot out of bed, frantically kicking the covers off her, "Actually we do. For starters, Fab and Gid have had an open offer for us to stay with them since First year. Charlie then extended an invitation to us in Fourth year. And you told me that Amos invited you to come stay with him."

"He did-"

Letti put her index finger to Alex's lips, silencing her, "And.. Lily sent me an owl last week and offered for us to spend the last few days of Holiday with her and Charlie. Please can we go? I think I'm ready to tell them about my secret?"

"Really?" the blonde questioned, earning a vigorous head nod. Alex groaned, hearing the Marauder's laughter in the next room over, "Only because we're telling them about your secret. You're lucky I love you."

The next morning, the pair packed their belongings and said their farewells to the Potters and Marauders until they were to see them again at the Train Station in a few days time. "I can't believe you're actually leaving me alone with them," James laughed, tightly hugging his cousin goodbye.

Alex snorted, rolling her eyes, "I know. I can't believe Letti's making me leave my best friend behind with a pack of wild animals."

"They're not that bad," Remus laughed, thinking she meant him when referring to her best friend.

"I was talking about you," she laughed, shocking everyone that he wasn't the best friend in question. "I'm sorry Jamie, I promise I'll see you soon. Stay strong."

James wiped away a fake tear, pouting as Letti began to pack their luggage in the boot of the car,  "I'll miss you, Andy. I will. Don't forget about me."

"We'll only be gone for five days!" Letti yelled as she dragged the blonde away from the dramatic goodbyes they were exchanging and towards the Evans' car.

"Goodbye Andy! I love you!" James yelled, running after them.

She stuck her head out the window, waving at him, "Goodbye James! I love you too!"

As Alex climbed back into the window, Lily and Letti were laughing their asses off. Mrs. Evans looked in the rear view mirror to see the smiling blonde buckle her seatbelt then to her daughter in the front seat, "I thought that James was your boyfriend."

The car filled with hysterical laughter at the mother's innocent remark. Alex was laughing so hard, she was genuinely crying as she laid her head in Letti's lap. Lily barely managed to stop laughing long enough to explain the situation to her mum, "He is, Mum. Alex and James are cousins. And they are each other's best friend. They're big jokesters, so they were having a laugh with the big scene they made."

Alex pulled herself together, trying hard to make her tone serious, "What do you mean, Lily. I'm actually concerned for him. They're vicious when I'm not around and my poor little cousin needs me to protect him but Letti had to make me tag along for a "Marauder free week"."

Letti and Lily laughed at her joke. Letti rolled her eyes, "It's not Marauder free if you're here, Idiot."


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