Chapter Fourteen

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                                                 TRIGGER WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT, RAPE

The opening Quidditch match of the season was scheduled for the last weekend in October, taking place on a windy Sunday morning which happened to also be Halloween. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Every match Gryffindor plays in is an intense one but this one in particular was going to be hardcore because not one player was expecting anything less than the absolute best on the Pitch.

That morning at breakfast, the Gryffindor team sat together and spoke purely of team strategy and how they were going to run those Slytherin into the ground. In a momentary second of doubt, James looks across the Great Hall at the Slytherin table and team and outwardly groans, "How are we possibly going to win this one?"

Alex follows the Gryffindor team Captain's eyes, finding his gaze fixed on their opponent's Seeker, Regulus Black, and remembered how fast of a flyer he was last year, visibly gulping, "I-I... I don't know if I can do this. Fab, I need you back on Seeker. I'm not as good as you are."

"Yes, you can. You can do this, Al, you just need to believe in yourself. And I'm no Quidditch expert like you all but I do believe that scoring the most points will ensure our win," Remus suggests; earning half-hearted high-fives, laughs and a light smack upside the head from James.

Alex lightly ran her hands over the dutch braids Gideon did for her, ignoring the dull throbbing in her head from the concussion she'd received from Bellatrix Black earlier that week, as the team of seven walked out to the Quidditch Pitch with the entire school buzzing with excitement in the stands. In the locker room the Co-Captains of the Gryffindor team each stand on a bench so the five other players could all see their leaders as they gave their speech.

James loudly cleared his throat and motioned for them to calm down, "Alright guys, this is it. First game of the season. This is going to be a hard fought game. Slytherin has some fast fliers and some dirty players but we're faster, stronger and we've worked too hard to give in. Remember guys, cover Alex if she starts diving because that means she's seen something and our job is to ensure she gets it first. Have fun out there guys, this is our year!"

The group of friends erupt in applause and cheers, all seven of them super excited to win the first match of the year. Mounting on their brooms, the Gryffindor Team flies out to the Pitch ready for a brilliant game of Quidditch. Remus and Alex fly side by side, Alex hovering around the Keeper's hoops until she catches a glimpse of the sacred Golden Snitch. She tracks the glittering ball zip past Lucius Malfoy's foot, muttering to herself, "Oh Merlin, I'm gonna be sick. I should have stayed on Beater."

"Hey, you're gonna do great, Al. Don't even worry about it," Remus hollers to her before the whistle is blown, faintly hearing her mumbling.

Alex relaxes a bit and smiles at the sound of the whistle, her smile widening when their trio of Chasers instantly obtaining the Quaffle, "Thanks. Don't let anyone score on you or I won't finish the map."

Timothy Jordan, a Gryffindor 6th year who's best friends and roommates with the Prewett twins, was enlisted to announce the game for the spectators who couldn't keep up with the fast pace of the game and because he was one of the few people aside from Alex, Letti and Charlie who could tell Fabian and Gideon apart, "Welcome back everyone to the first match of the season, it's bound to be a good one: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Madam Hooch blows the whistles and they're off. Sirius Black wins the Quaffle, sneaking it backward to Letti Lightwood, a new addition to the Gryffindor Chasers this year. Lightwood should've done this years ago folks because she's flying circles around Lucius Malfoy. Oh but tough break for the Gryffindor team as Goyle has taken the ball for Slytherin. He takes the shot... Only to have a bloody brilliant save by our newest Keeper, Remus Lupin. Gideon Prewett, Beater, takes a shot and beams the Bludger into Malfoy, who's barely holding onto his broom."

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