Chapter Eighty-seven

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"What are you doing here?"

"What did you honestly expect me to stay out of this fight? When all our family is here? Including our daughter," Alex asked, tackling Remus in an embrace. 

Remus sighed, laughing at how wishful his thinking was, "I hoped, all things considered. We do have children who need their parents alive."

"They will be fine with or without us, Rem. They're eighteen years old. They're stronger than we ever were."

A stream of black smoke jet past Remus and Alex, landing like a pillar down the hall from them. And at the opposite end of the hall, another stream of black smoke pillared. When the black smoke cleared, it took shape into a person. Into Bellatrix Lestrange, the other turning into Antonin Dolohov. The wild haired Death Eater cackled manically when she saw the couple standing back to back, wands at the ready and drawn. 

"Well, well, well if it isn't the filthy Mudblood and her werewolf," she sang, biting her lip as Alex's hand shook with rage.

"You killed him."

Bellatrix nodded with her lip jutted as though she were pouting, taunting the blonde, "I did. I killed Sirius Black. I hit him square in the chest, sending him through the Veil in the Death Chamber. I killed him and I enjoyed it." 

"You miserable Bitch-" Alex hissed, sending a stream of bright green at Bellatrix. She was blinded by her rage, sending curse after curse, Unforgivable after Unforgivable, trying to avenge her best friend that she murdered. 

The Lupins fought fiercely, slinging every spell, jinx, hex, and curse they could think of at Bellatrix and Dolohov. However, though they outmatched their opponents once, they were no match to the two most skilled Death Eaters who racked the highest body counts. Dolohov snagged Remus with a curse of his own creation, the stream of purple flames confusing him as it hit him and his internal organs began to rupture one by one. 

Alex watched as her husband fell to the ground, horrified. Her stomach turned to fire, hatred fueling every cell in her body as she screamed countless curses at both Dolohov and Bellatrix. Dolohov chuckled, deflecting every spell she sent at him, "That's exactly how those Ginger twins reacted when I murdered your best friend eighteen years ago. What was her name again? Letti?"

"Bastard! Avada-"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"NO! Mom!"

"Allie, wake up. You've got to go make sure James is ready."

Alex slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes to see her best friend standing in front of her. She yawned, stretching, "Letti, James is a big boy. I'm sure he can put on his suit without my help."

"Allie, this is James we're talking about here. On the day he's dreamed of for nine years now. Do you really want to leave anything to chance?" asked Letti, knowing in her heart that James was about on schedule for an anxiety attack at any moment now.

The blonde's eyes grew, realizing that Letti was right. She jumped up, making her way towards the door only to be stopped by the person sending her away. "Hey, happy birthday."


"Why didn't I get myself a ring too? It's just going to look stupid me putting a ring on her finger and me not getting one!" James panicked, staring down at his left hand. When he looked up from his hand, he saw his cousin walking through the door, "Why did you let me get a tattoo for my wedding band rather than an actual ring?!"

Alex looked frantically around the room at Sirius, Remus and Peter, confused why he was yelling about his tattoo. Sirius shrugged, rubbing his temples, "He just started freaking out not even two minutes ago. And I don't have time for this, I need to go do my Maid of Honor duties for Evans."

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