Chapter Seventy

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Lily bound into the Marauders Dormitory, out of breath and startling the six teenagers conversing within. The Marauders, exhausted from their Quidditch practice that they'd just finished, stare at the redhead, waiting for the purpose behind her unexpected visit. Lily held a single finger up, telling them to give her a moment to catch her breath, "Wow, that's a lot of stairs to run up after running across the school grounds."

"You okay there, Lils?" Letti inquired with a laugh, offering the breathless girl a drink from her water bottle.

The Head Girl nodded, mumbling an indistinct thank you before taking a long drink from the bottle. "I just managed to avoid the Prewett Twins and the wrath of their pranks."

"What did they do?" Sirius mused, looking down at the Marauder's Map to see that the Twins were returning to the Gryffindor Tower.

"Nevermind that, I want to retaliate," Lily announced, bringing the six most notorious prankers in the entire school to silence before erupting into fits of uncontrollable laughter. 

Alex wiped the tears from her eye, only to see that Lily was disappointedly frowning at her friend's collective reaction, stopping her laughter all together, "Oh my God, wait, are you being serious right now?"

Lily confidently lifted her head up, crossing her arms tightly across her chest, "I'm quite serious, actually. In the seven years we've been at Hogwarts, you six have collectively pulled 1,317 pranks and I haven't been involved in a single one of them. I want to be involved in one. One last go."

"One last go," Alex, James and Sirius repeated, sharing the same glimmer of mischief in their smiles.

Remus recognized those smiles of his friends and knew what was going to come next, "No, no way. Can't we just be normal for the rest of the year? No more pranking, please."

"But I've never pulled a real prank and you guys are undeniably the best I know. Please, Remus?" Lily begged, looking up at the most sensible Marauder with her bright emerald green doe eyes. 

"Lily Evans, You're Head Girl. This is totally against all the rules you are supposed to enforce."

Letti rolled her eyes at the werewolf, wrapping her arm around the redhead's shoulder to show her support for the request, "I say let's do it. One last go. Come on Moony, live a little."

James was very proud of his girlfriend's sudden urge to pull her very first prank, jumping off his bed and kissing her forehead before turning to face the only person in the room that opposed, "Yeah Moony, rules are meant to be broken."

"Yeah, listen to him," Sirius laughed, wanting to see this prank go down. "He's Head Boy, he knows all about the rules and how to break them."

Remus laughed dryly, seeing the irony in the situation, "Why would we make something only to break it?"

Sirius snorted, finding a hole in their brilliant friend's argument, "Piñata. That's what you called that paper container Muggles put candy in at birthday parties and beat it with a stick, right Lily?"

"Yep, that's correct. And glow sticks."

Alex chuckled at Lily's argument, proud of her for providing an answer that she hadn't yet thought of, "Good one, Lily. But don't forget about eggs, nut shells, stereotypes, awkward silences-"

"Okay, I get it!" Remus interrupted, laughing at her excessive need to be right.

But Alex wasn't done, she still had more things on her list and planned on telling him every single one until Remus caved about the prank, "A woman's water when she's pregnant, you're supposed to break in shoes, doctors say if you break a bone it only makes you stronger-"

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