Chapter Forty-seven

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Unfortunately for the Marauders the Full moon fell on a Tuesday so in the early hours of the Wednesday morning,  they finally returned to the Gryffindor Tower. And luckily, they were able to sleep in a little until their only class in the afternoon.

The boys also insisted on Alex and Letti spending the night in their room because it was way too early in the morning to wake up their roommates. Alex, who would have protested any other day, agreed because she was too tired to argue and knew that Letti wanted to pass out. Sirius and James bunked together, despite Remus' murmurs about cuddling, providing Alex and Letti their own bed to share rather than sleep on the ground.

A dark hooded figure walked alone toward the Potter's home, pushing through the metal gate then proceeding to walk straight to the front door of the residence in Godric's Hollow. The hooded figure was Lord Voldemort. He drew his thirteen inch yew wand and blasted the door open, allowing himself into the Potter's home. Upon entry, Voldemort saw James and Lily Potter playing with their infant son, Harry, in the front room.

James heard the commotion of the front of their home, knowing that the Dark Lord was there to execute his fifteen month old son, and ran out into the hall to meet their intruder, without his wand in hand. James looked to Lily before leaving the room to go into the hall, instructing her in a panicked manner, "Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! I'll hold him off!"

And before James could make a snarky comment to the Dark Lord or defend his family in any way, Voldemort focused his wand on the twenty-one year old chanting, "Avada Kedavra!"

Voldemort looked at the selfless young man and laughed at his arrogance, stepping over the Gryffindor's dead body. The Dark Lord continues to the staircase, ascending the stairs to find the boy and Lily. He found Lily and Harry hiding in Harry's nursery, furniture blocking the door in hopes to keep him out. Lily Potter screamed as her husband's murderer blasted into her son's nursery with the sole purpose to kill her 15 month old baby. Lily stood guard between her son's crib and the Dark Lord himself.

"Not Harry! Please... have mercy... have mercy...." Lily cried as Voldemort raised his wand at the two of them.

Voldemort hesitated, remembering who he had to kill, "Step aside, girl."

Lily stood straighter, screaming at him, "Not Harry! Not Harry! Please - I'll do anything!"

"Step aside, girl," Voldemort hissed at the young mother.

Lily stood her ground between him and her only son, willing to sacrifice her own life to save her son's. Voldemort sent the Killing Curse at the young redhead, setting his sights on the remaining Potter. Harry watched as his mother fell to the ground, bursting into tears. The tears made Voldemort uneasy, casting the same Unforgivable Curse at the infant. When Voldemort went to murder him, the spell rebounded upon him, obliterating his body. His wand was blasted from his corpse and landed nearby.

"Harry!" Alex woke with a start, thrashing around in the bed. She quickly looked around, seeing a snoring Letti beside her. She began to calm herself down, reminding herself that she was safe and her cousin was not dead.  "It was just a nightmare, a vivid nightmare but it doesn't mean that it's going to happen."

Except that according to Dumbledore and his description of her "gift", it does.

Remus slowly sat up in his bed, looking around to see who woke up screaming. Alex and Remus made eye contact, making the girl feel guilty for being the reason he woke up. "You alright, Al?" Remus whispered across the room, barely audible with the four other people snoring in the dormitory.

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