Chapter Ninety-three

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"Wait a minute, how did You-Know-Who even hear about your prophecy?" Remus asked, bouncing Adhara on his knee.

Much to Professor Dumbledore's dismay, Remus Lupin was home to stay. Alex had fought him tooth and bone to bring him home and out of the werewolf den. Since James and Lily were put into hiding, she wanted him home and not in harm's way.

Alex sighed as she pulled her hair into a knot at the base of her neck, sitting beside him on the couch and pulled her legs up onto the couch, "Snape. Apparently, he was there in the pub when I accidentally gave the prophecy. When Dumbledore had me tag along when he interviewed Trelawny."

"So, what, Dumbledore put James and Lily in hiding because he thinks someone in the Order is gonna betray them and tell You-Know-Who?"

Sirius scoffed at the question, standing in the doorway. Seeing that he caught the couple's attention, he entered the living room and sat at the piano, "He already thinks one of us did."

"What are you insinuating, Sirius?" Remus hummed, not liking the way the dark haired man was looking at him from across the room.

"Where the Hell have you been, Moony? Running around with those werewolves. How do we know you're not giving them information about us?" Sirius barked at Remus, making him shirk back at the accusation.

"Why would I betray James and Lily, Pads? They're my friends."

"That's kind of the definition of a traitor," Sirius retorted.

Alex pushed herself off the couch, sizing Sirius up. Fuming for the audacity of his accusation, "Who the Hell do you fucking think you are?! Accusing him of being a traitor. Did it ever occur to you that this traitor could be the bloody one of us who has been missing for the past few weeks?"

"Yeah, where is Pete, Sirius?" Remus asked, not having seen Peter since little Harry was born nearly a year ago.

Sirius' mouth fell open, looking between the two as he considered the possibility. He cleared his throat, shaking his head as he came to the conclusion that Peter couldn't betray them, "I don't know, I haven't seen him. And you know as well as I do that he wouldn't betray us."

"And I would?" Remus scoffed loudly, offended that he believed he had it in him to betray their friends.

"Well you have been a spy for us, for the Order, with the werewolves. So, what's stopping you from being a spy for them?" Sirius retorted, setting his jaw at Remus.

"STOP IT!" she screamed, silencing the two fighting best friends. Hearing her mother bellow at Remus and Sirius, Adhara started crying.

Alex cleared her throat, crossing the room and took Addie from her father and held her close to her chest. She soothed her, looking at Sirius and Remus, "We're not the enemy. We're a family, none of us want my vision to come to pass. And we all know that there were only two people with me when I gave the prophecy, so stop fighting and remember who the enemy is."

Sirius looked between Alex and Remus, realizing what he had just accused his best friend of. He sighed, feeling guilty as he met Remus' eye, "Look, I'm sorry man. I didn't mean it."

"Yeah right, sure," Remus huffed, rolling his eyes at Sirius.

"No, I am," he urges, knowing that he messed up. He ran his hand through his hair, sighing, "I've just been... scared lately. With Prongs and Lily and Harry being in hiding. I'm placing blame on the wrong person and I'm sorry."

"Can't trust the monster, right?" Remus dryly mumbles, excusing himself from the room.


When Remus loudly slammed the front door, leaving their flat, Alex scowled at Sirius, ignoring her crying daughter for a moment, "You're a son of a bitch, you know that. The Order is a joke, it's turning us against each other. You should know better than anyone Remus wouldn't betray them."


"Make it right."

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