Chapter Seventy-four

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Completing his weekly obligation that his servitude to the Dark Lord entailed, Regulus Apparated into the Malfoy Manor to find a stout boy he never expected to see among Death Eaters, "Pettigrew? Wh-what the Hell are you doing here?"

"He's our newest recruit," Bellatrix explained coolly, her eyes never leaving the former Gryffindor as she circled him.

The youngest Black stared at one of his brother's best friends, a member of the infamous Marauders, unsure as to why he was there, "B-But he's Sirius' friend. And they're all with Dumbledore, the Order. Why is he here?"

"Because... I know which side is going to win, Reg."

"Don't call me that," Regulus spat, not liking the sound of his nickname coming from Peter.

Peter hardened his expression, trying to hide the fear that coursed through his veins with the power of a running river, "They don't realize that the Order's outnumbered and they're fighting a fight that is ultimately going to get them killed. And even when our people die, they don't take it as a sign to get the Hell out. So, I'm swearing my allegiance here, with the people who could actually protect me."

"And you, my dear cousin, will protect him. You will not say a word of this to your brother. Little Petey here will be our spy on the inside and we cannot risk them finding out."

Regulus wanted to Disapparate from the Manor, leave immediately and find his brother or Alex or anyone and tell them about their friend's betrayal. He wanted to warn them, protect his brother the same way Sirius protected him growing up from the sadism of their parents. But he couldn't, if he wanted to make it through the day he had to follow orders or die. "Fine."

"Swear it," Peter demanded,  knowing that a small part of Regulus cared enough for his brother to betray his cause to save Sirius' life if it came to it. When Regulus' eyes grew in surprise, Peter slowly exhaled and explained the selfish reason behind his demand, "You were friends with a lot of Order members. I need to know that no one will know."

"Very well, I swear that no one will ever know."

"No, Regulus," Bellatrix quickly laughed, pointing between the two boys. She drew her arched wand from the pocket of her robes, "You two will perform an Unbreakable Vow, swearing that no one will know about Peter joining our ranks and that he will relay all information from the Order to us."

Bellatrix Lestrange looked down at the two Aurors, screaming at them as she tried to get the information their Master sent them to obtain, "Where is He?"

"We don't know, Bellatrix. We haven't seen or spoken to the Potters in months," Frank coughed, thankful that his mother offered to keep Neville today.

"LIAR!" the wild haired Death Eater shrieked, grabbing him by the throat. "You know where the boy is and if you won't tell me where he is, then I'm just going to have to torture it out of you. Crucio!"

Alice looked to her side, watching her husband drop from being restrained by Barty Crouch Jr. to the floor, "Please, just stop it and let us go. We just want to get back to our son, Neville. He's only a baby, please."

Rodolphus sighed as he met the short haired woman's eye, watching his wife torture Frank Longbottom with glee, "We'll let you go, if you tell us where the Potters are hiding. Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

"We don't know anything, I swear."

Bellatrix viciously whipped her head to face Alice, screaming as she pointed her arched wand at her chest, "LIAR!"

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