Chapter Eighty-four

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Sirius and Alex were hanging out in her room, working on a few new spells she learned for the next time they were assigned to a mission when Remus stood in the doorway, handing Sirius a piece of mail he knew he'd be interested in, "Sirius, you have a letter addressed to you. It came to the Mansion. It's from your parents."

"My parents?"

Sirius tore open the envelope curiously, reading the letter from his mother under his breath.


Normally we wouldn't write to you with matters that regard the House of Black, however, the latest news is something I, as your mother, knew you would like to hear. I received word that your brother, Regulus, has died. They wouldn't tell me much because the last any of us heard from him was that the Dark Lord had a special request for him.

Though, you are no longer a Black I know that this tragedy will bring you great sorrow as well and you are welcome to attend his funeral in a few weeks time.

With regards,
Walburga Black.

"What did it say?"

Sirius looked up from the piece of parchment, tears in his eyes, "Reg, he's gone. He's dead."

The blonde gasped, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and letting him bury his face into her hair, "Oh, Siri, I'm so sorry."

Sirius sniffles, pulling his face from her hair, "You said you saw his death in a vision? Was it the Dark Lord who did it?"

"No. He died defying him, but He didn't kill him. He did it for you."


She nodded, twisting the ring on her middle finger, "He and I met in the fall. He asked me to meet him, he had something important to tell me that he wasn't supposed to tell. Riddle made a horcrux, which means he split his soul and attached a piece of his soul to an item. Regulus died stealing it."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"He asked me not to. He wanted me to protect you, watch out for you if he didn't make it."

"Did he succeed? In whatever he was doing?" he asked eagerly.

She nodded, though she didn't actually know if Regulus' plan was successful, "Yes. Kreacher went with him. He ordered Kreacher to leave him and destroy it."

"He didn't die in vain?"

She shook her head, tucking his hair behind his ear and wiped her thumb under his eyes to catch the tears, "No, honey. He died protecting you, protecting us all. He made sure to get rid of a piece of Riddle's soul."

Remus' head snapped in the direction of the open door, hearing the faint sound of their alarm from downstairs, "There's someone at the door, the ward is going off. I'll go check it."

Sirius shook his head, pushing himself off Alex's bed and towards the door, "I'll go. I need some air."

Remus watched Sirius leave the room, feeling a pang of guilt and pity for the boy who lost his brother, "Do you think he'll be okay?"

"I promised Regulus he would be and I won't break that promise. I tried to stop him. I begged him to come back with me, to run away from the Death Eaters and fight with us. I tried."

Remus sat beside her, tucking her long hair behind her ear, "He was protecting Sirius. He had to do it. You saw it happen over a year ago, it was fated to happen."

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