Chapter Fifty-eight

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Early Christmas Eve morning Alex decided that she was going to run before her morning coffee. As she skipped down the steps of the front porch, something swinging overhead caught Alex's eye. She looks up to find the bottom of a sneaker. Looking past the foot, the blonde sees Remus sitting on the roof while reading a book, "What in Merlin's beard are you doing on the roof? Get down before you fall and hurt yourself."

"I'm reading," he chuckled, looking over the top of his book at her.

Alex rolled her eyes, pulling her hair into a loose knot on the top of her head,"What, really? I wasn't aware that you possessed that particular ability. What book are you reading now?"

"It's about this really cool girl who kisses two of her best friends but she runs away and decides to ignore that it happened for over a month. Sounds fascinating, right? Though it is rather confusing, not going to lie," Remus laughs, noticing how red her cheeks were becoming the more he talked about it. 

Alex shrugged, feeling the growing heat of her cheeks, "Actually, it sounds quite boring. Maybe the girl hasn't made a decision. About what she's thinking or how she feels and it's probably even more confusing for her. Think about it from her side of things, she kissed her two best friends and she's now gotta sort through her feelings and stuff. She's probably a big mess."

"Maybe she is. But what if the boys knew their feelings and were just waiting for her to figure it out?" Remus hinted, glancing between her and Sirius' window that he knows is open and they can hear everything being said.

Understanding what he was insinuating, Alex turned her back to him and started walking in the direction of the pond, "Then they'd be waiting for a while because she probably couldn't even tell you what she's feeling."

She ran past the little pond that is about 100 metres from the Potter's front porch, watching the clouds roll above from the reflection on the water. Alex continues to run until she reaches the spot that Moony will transform in during the Full Moon tomorrow evening, staring at it and instantly missing her best friend.

"Maybe I should owl her?" Alex wonders aloud, catching her breath before she runs back to the Mansion for her coffee. She then remembers the fact that she's not going to have many Christmases with Letti after this one then the matter of she has to learn to become accustomed to being without her. "Nah, let's get some coffee."

"Did you get the movies?" James asked as Remus and Peter appeared in the front door during the limited time they had while Alex was gone.

Remus holds up the plastic grocery bag, "Yes sir, two Alex Worth approved movies have been obtained."

Sirius snorts, pouring himself a cup of coffee, as he sees Alex jog past the window and up the porch, "Hide that bag, Moony. Here she comes."

Alex walks into the kitchen to find all the Marauder's huddling around the coffee pot. She pushed past them, grabbing her mug from the counter and pouring herself a cup, "G'morning boys. Thanks for making the coffee this morning, Siri."

"Actually, I made it," James corrects, taking a sip of his overly sugary coffee.

The blonde cocked an eyebrow at her cousin, shocked to hear that he made the coffee because he hates both the smell and taste of coffee, "Really? You? Why would you make coffee? You don't even like coffee. You hate the smell."

James shrugged, looking up from his mug, "I don't know. I've changed my mind, it tastes good with sugar."

Alex takes his cup and takes a sip, choking on the sugary substance, "Jamie, that's bloody horrible. Would you like some coffee to go with your sugar?"

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