Chapter Eighty-three

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"Happy Christmas."

James looked around the crowded Headquarters, looking at the Christmas decorations his cousin spent time hanging as Lily led him through the hallway to join the rest of the Order, "Well as happy as it's going to get."

Letti cocked an eyebrow at his unusual demeanor, "James, you love Christmas. What's the matter?"

"His father died yesterday evening. Dragon Pox."

The werewolf gasped at the piece of news her best friend had yet to share with her, having distracted herself with the traditions of Christmas and planning the Order's Christmas party, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

Sirius looked around the room, eyes bloodshot from the tears he shed for his surrogate father's untimely death, "Is there anything stronger than eggnog?"

Alex lightly laughed at Sirius' question, placing a mug of eggnog in his hands, "Already ahead of you. I spiked it with Firewhiskey."

"See, this is why I love you," he laughed, kissing her on the temple as he threw his arm across her shoulders. "You've got yourself a good woman, Moony. Don't mess it up."

Remus snorted at him, taking a drink out of his mug, "Or what? Or else you'll steal her from me?"

The blonde rolled her eyes at their banter, stepping out from under the weight of his arm, "Okay, now I really need a drink."

"Ah, come on, we're only playing with you," Sirius laughed, watching her as she squeezed past Benji, Dorcas and Eddie to get herself something to drink.

As everyone gathered in what resembled the living room, Alex stood on the steps and raised her glass high as she brought the room to silence, "To Fleamont. The best father any of us could have asked for."

"To Fleamont!"

Alex truly put in a lot of time and effort into making the Order's Headquarters into a lively place. Seeing as she lived there while many of the other members had their own apartments or were at school. James sat beside the fireplace, reading each of their names on the many stockings hung across the mantle, "I guess even the Dark Side even takes Christmas off."

Lily looked to her fiancé, smiling, "Did you just compare the Death Eaters to Star Wars?"

"It's your fault you and Andy made us go to the cinema."

Eddie sat himself on the arm of Fabian's armchair, "Well I for one am grateful Ol' Riddle is taking the Holiday. Because now we're all here together, without anyone bleeding or potentially dying."

Fabian raised his glass, connecting it with Eddie's, "Hear, hear."

Molly Weasley quickly left the kitchen, wiping her hands on the skirt of her apron as she beckoned the Order of the Phoenix into the dinning room, "Dinner is served."

Lisette hugged Molly, "Thank you again Molly for making us Christmas dinner."

"And for our sweaters. I've always wanted one of my own," Sirius thanks, taking in the warmth of his hand-knit scarlet sweater with a golden S on the chest.

This year in addition to knitting Christmas sweaters for her five children, husband, brothers and Lisette and Alex, Molly took on the challenge of knitting all the Order of the Phoenix their own Christmas sweaters since many of them couldn't go home for the Holidays. Including her usual four, she had fifteen more sweaters to knit.

Gideon pressed a kiss on the top of his older sister's head, taking a seat at the table as Lisette and Charlie brought the food from the kitchen and laid it out on the long wooden table, "Yes, thank you sissy."

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