Chapter 1.

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~August 2021~


I stare out the window of plane as the captain makes an announcement to the all passengers that we are on our final decent into Newark Airport.

The whole flight, my mind has been racing and I've had butterflies in my stomach, at the thought of seeing Hero again.

I shouldn't be this nervous but I am. Over the last few months I found myself missing him more than i have done before.

A year and a half ago, we would see each other every couple of weeks but it's been about 8 months since we last saw each other. He left Sofia the day after we finished filming and we haven't seen each other since.

The change in our relationship, was mostly my doing. I ended the relationship we had, I guess I got cold feet. In some ways, I thought that we would always get back together but then Hero dropped the bombshell that he'd met someone.


~July 2020~

My phone rings and lights up with Hero's name. I smile at seeing his name on the screen. We haven't spoken to each other for about 2 months.

"Hi" i say with the biggest grin on my face

"Hey Jo, how have you been"

"Good thanks, and you?"

"Yeah, been busy but I'm good. Thanks for asking" Hero is always so polite.

"Jo, the reason I called is, well I think you should hear it from me. I've.....I've met someone. Well....... I've known her for awhile, we were friends but well now........well now we're together"

I'm a little taken back by what he's just said, so I fail to respond immediately.

"I wanted to tell you myself and I didn't want you find out second-hand. I respect you too much Jo and you still mean a lot to me" he continues.

"I.....I'm happy for you Hero. If your happy, then I'm happy. You mean a lot to me too" I say with now a fake smile on my face

"Look, I've gotta go. But I'll see I'll speak to you soon. Take care Jo"

"Take care Hero. Bye"

As I end the call, a single tear rolls down my cheek.



I enter my hotel room and walk over to the desk in my room and put down the room key and my phone. I catch my reflection in the mirror and decide that I need a shower to wake me up.

I let the hot water cascade over me until it starts to go slightly cold. I step out feeling refreshed. I wrap a towel round me and walk out of the bathroom.

My phone beeps and it's a message from my manager. She tells me her flight is delayed until tomorrow. I throw my phone back on bed.

My phone beeps again, I grab it and think to myself, "what does she want now". But I'm surprised when it's Hero's name that appears.

I hover my finger over the message notification. I open the message. "Hi, hope your flight was ok. I'm not sure what time your getting into NYC today but if your around, I wondered if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?"

Before I can overthink, I start to type out my reply. "Hi, my flight was good, thanks. I got in about an hour ago. You? Yeah sure, what time and where do you want to go?" I hit send before I can change my mind.

It doesn't take long for him to reply. "I got in this early this morning. I was thinking just the hotel restaurant and how about 8pm?"

I reply "Sure. See you you 8"

"See you at 8 :)"

I place my phone on the desk and grab my suitcase, place it on the bed and rummage through it to find something to wear for dinner.

I decide on a pair of black trousers, a blue top and a pair of black ankle boots. I style my hair in loose waves and apply just a touch of make up. I look at myself in the mirror, smile and take a deep breath and head out the door.


Thanks for reading my first chapter, of my first ever story!

Please comment and let me know your thoughts.


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