Chapter 2.

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As the doors of the elevator open, I take a deep breath and walk out. I immediately spot Hero in the reflection of the huge mirror on the wall.

Gosh, he's so tall and handsome. I shake the last part of my thought out of my head. He turns and see me. He walks towards me with a big smile on his face.

He kisses my cheek and gives me big hug as we reach each other.

"Hi, wow Jo, you look great" He says looking me up and down.

"Aw thanks, you too" I say as I nudge his arm with my elbow.

He stretches out his arm towards the restaurant "Shall we?"

I take the lead and head into the restaurant. The maitre d shows to a table at the back.

During dinner the chat between us just flows, it's like no time has passed. It's always so easy to talk with him.

We talk about our other projects. Ones that we have worked on over the last few months and ones we have coming up. Hero mentions that he watched Moxie and that he really enjoyed it.

"Aw thanks. You didn't have to watch it you know. Plus I'm not in it a whole lot"

"I know, but I like to show my support for friends and more importantly, I wanted to" he replies.

I smile, look down at the table and let out a little giggle.


I look up at Jo, she smiles and giggles. I can't help but smile. Wow, I've missed her smile and that little giggle of hers.

I can't believe that we've gone from speaking everyday to barely at all. Things have changed between us over the last year and a half but here and now, it's like nothings changed. Talking to Jo is always so effortless and it always feels me with a sense of calm being around her.

The waiter comes over and advises us that the restaurant will closing shortly. I can't believe we've been here talking for almost 3 hours straight.

He asks if we want to settle the bill or charge it to the room. I say to the room please. As he asks what number. Jo says "Room 415" I shake my head and say to the waiter "No, room 501" Jo pulls a face at me and I repeat to the waiter "Room 501, please" he nods and walks off.

"It was my invite, so I'm paying" I say to her

"Well, Thank you a lovely evening" she says smiling.

We leave the restaurant and head towards the lift. When we enter the lift, I press the button for the 4th floor. Within what feels like seconds, the door pings open.

We step out and I walk her back to her room. We reach her door and she gets her key card out of her bag.

As she presses the keycard against the lock, I say, "Thank you, for joining me for dinner tonight"

She turns to face me and says, "Thank you for inviting me" She then kisses me on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" I reply.

She opens her door goes into her room. I turn on my heels and head towards the lift.


I close the door and walk over to the bed and throw on my pjs. I head into the bathroom, remove me make up and brush my teeth.

I climb into the bed and lie down and try to sleep. But I can't stop thinking about tonight.
It was like old times, the time when we were together.

Only a few people knew the actual truth about our relationship. Partly because of the clause written into our 'After' contacts but also because we didn't want everyone to know our business or compare it to the on-screen relationship.

But that part of 'us' is over now. We promised each other that we would remain friends and I'm so glad for that. We have grown so much since we first met 3 years ago.

I reach for my phone, open up my messages. I click on my conversation with Hero. I type out "goodnight x" but then decide to delete it. I place my phone down on the bed. I close my eyes and eventually drift off to sleep.


Thanks for reading my second chapter!

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