Chapter 32

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*This chapter includes mature content*


I walk into the bedroom and gently wake Jo. Thought it best to let her sleep off some of the alcohol that she consumed while out shopping with my mum.

"What time is it?" She asks rubbing her eyes

"Just after 6. Do you want me to run you a bath?" I say as I stroke her hair

"It's ok I'll just have a shower to freshen up, but thanks for offering" she leans up and pecks me on the lips.

She moves the blanket I placed over her to one side and she heads into the bathroom.

I walk over to my wardrobe and throw on a clean pair of jeans and and grab a dark green jumper from my other wardrobe.

After a few minutes, Jo walks back into the bedroom with a just a towel around her. She sides on her panties and then drops the towel as she puts her on bra.

I can't help but look her. She is so beautiful. I lick my bottom lip. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her, I pull her to me and kiss her.

"Hero" she says playfully "I've gotta get dressed" she pecks me quickly on the lips and I drop my arms.

"Ok. I'll be downstairs having a cigarette" I say. I kiss her forehead and head downstairs.

After about 30 minutes Jo comes downstairs and walks into the lounge.

"Wow. You look amazing" I say as she enters the room.

She's wearing a little black leather skater style skirt, a black and white stripped loose fitting shirt and black ankle boots. Her hair is in loose waves.

"Ah thanks babe. This is the new skirt I got this morning when shopping with your mum, do you like it?" she says

I walk over to her and put my arms around her waist and she puts her arms around my neck.

"I love it. It looks great on but I think it would look even better on my floor" I say and start kissing her neck.

"Stop!" She giggles and swats my arm

"Ok" I kiss her softly on the lips. "Right let me order an Uber"



I realise that I've spent most of the time at the party since we arrived, chilling with the boys and that I haven't seen or spoken to Jo in a while.

I look around the room to see where she is. I spot her in the corner of the room, chatting to Mercy and some of Mercy's friends.

I take out my phone and message her "You ok? xx"

She replies back almost instantly "I'm fine. Enjoy time with the boys xx".

"Ok. Love you xx" I hit send and look over at her.

She smiles at her phone. "Love you xx" she replies back.

I slide my phone back into my pocket and grab another beer. The boys and I then head into the garden for a smoke.

After about an hour outside, I head back inside to look for Jo. I see Mercy standing with her friends but I don't see Jo. I walk over to her.

"Hey bro. What's up?" Mercy says

"Hey" I put my arm around her, pull her towards me a kiss the side of her head.

"What time are you guys coming over tomorrow?" She asks

"Dunno like 12" I say looking around the room "Where's Jo?" I add

"Dude chill, She's just gone upstairs to use the bathroom. She won't be long" she responds

"Ok, cool. I'm gonna head outside for smoke" I lie

I walk away from Mercy and her friends and head upstairs to the the bathroom and wait outside. The bathroom door opens seconds later and a young lad walks out.

I then remember that there's an en-suite in Felix's parents bedroom. I walk across the landing and into his parents bedroom.

I spot a little light coming from under the en suite bathrooms door frame. I walk over and knock on the door



I hear a knock on the bathroom door.
"One minute" I shout out.

Mercy told me to use the en-suite as not everyone will know about it. So I guess that I'll be one of Heros friends who's waiting outside.

I open the bathroom door and am surprised to  see that it's Hero standing at the door.

"Hey" he says

"Hey" I say back

"You're so beautiful" he says as he looks me up and down, licking his lips.

"You're drunk" I tell him

"That I am but that does change the fact that your beautiful" he says

Before I can reply, his lips are on mine and he's pushing me back into the bathroom. He locks the door.

"What are you doing" I ask

"Fucking you. Right here, right now" he tells me so matter of factually

"What are you waiting for then?" I say. I place my hand on his neck and pull him closer to me and kiss him.

He deepens the kiss and then spins me around. He lifts up my skirt and moves my panties to one side.

He bends me over the bathroom vanity unit. He leans on top of me and says into my ear  "You drive me crazy".

He stands up straight, he wets his fingers with some spit and rubs them against me and then he enters me.

He grabs hold of my shoulders and I feel him deeper inside me. I bite my lip in order not to make to much noise.

I grab on to the sink and the side of the vanity unit to steady myself as his thrusts get harder and faster.

"Hero" I moan

He clamps his hand over my mouth, in order to stifle my moans. He thrusts a few more times and then comes inside me.

He withdraws from me and turns me round to face him and kisses me, our tongues intertwining.

"We better get back to the party" he then says, as he strokes my hair

"You go first, I'll be down in a minute. Just gonna freshen up, don't wanna have that 'just freshly fucked' look you know"  I say

"Well you were 'just freshly fucked'. And I think it looks good on you" he says cheekily and moves a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Get out of here" I joke "I'll be down in a sec" I say pushing him out of the door.

I look into the mirror. I run my fingers through my hair and touch up my make up. I pat down my skirt, neaten up my shirt.

I grab my handbag and head back downstairs to rejoin the party.


Thanks for reading. Hope you're all still enjoying my story.

All your votes and comments are appreciated.

Much love xoxo

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