Chapter 19

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*This chapter includes mature content*


I lye in bed, looking up at the ceiling. The last 36 hours have wizzed by. I've loved spending time here in London and more importantly spending time with Hero. Later today I'm heading back to LA.

Last night we had a long conversation about how we're going to go forward with our relationship. We've decided to still keep our relationship private and only tell our close friends and family. We've also decided that we will try and see each every 4- 6 weeks, depending on our work schedules.

We both really want it to work out this time. I've decided, that I'm not going to run away or close myself off again when things get to serious. I have to realise that Hero is good for me and we are good together.

I can't keep having the fear that it will end badly and that I will get hurt. My relationship with Hero is the best thing to of happened to me. I need to give it 100% and I can't keep running away from good things.

Hero is not like my last boyfriend. We've spoken about my last relationship and how badly I got hurt. He has promised not to hurt me like that and I fully believe that he won't.

I roll on to my side and watch Hero sleep. He looks so cute and peaceful. I lean over and kiss his forehead.

As I move away, he opens his eyes.

"Is that's all I'm getting" he jokes

I move closer to him and kiss him on the lips.

I roll on top of him and Hero runs his hands through my hair as he deepens the kiss and our tongues intertwine.

I sit up, still straddling him. He reaches up underneath my pyjama top and caresses my breasts. I bite my bottom lip as he starts to play with nipples.

He slowly moves his hands down from my breasts to my hips. He hooks his thumbs in my panties and pushes them down. I lift one leg up and then the other, to remove my panties.

He lowers his boxers. I straddle him again and lower myself on to him. He holds my hips and I start to rock back and forth.

"You're so beautiful" Hero tells me

I lean down and kiss him. He puts his arms under my shoulders, holds me in place and deepens the kiss.

He rolls us over, our bodies still connected. He passionately kisses me as he continues to thrust himself in and out of me. My breathing quickens as he brings me to edge.

He sits up on his knees and places his hand on leg and tell me to roll over on to all fours. I do as he says.

He re-enters me from behind. He starts off slowly and then picks up the pace. My breathing begins to quicken again, as does his.

I grab hold of the pillow, as I climax. Hero comes seconds later and collapses on to the bed beside me.

I turn to face him and he pulls me in for a cuddle. We lay like this for a few minutes, our bodies intertwined.

"I guess I should start packing up my stuff" I say

"You can leave some stuff here if you want? Hero says as he strokes my hair

"Really? Are you sure?" I ask

"Yeah. I mean if you want to. It's seems silly every time you visit me, that you'll have to bring a full suitcase"

"Aw, thank you. I'll leave some basic items here" I say and give him a quick peck on the lips.

"I better get in the shower and start getting ready for my flight" I say and climb out of bed



We sit in the back of the taxi holding hands as we make our way to the airport. Jo said she would be ok travelling by her self. But I wanted to spend every moment as possible with her.

It I'll be at least a month until we see each other again. We've done this long distance relationship before but it still doesn't make it any easier.

She turns to me and touches my face with her free hand. "What are you thinking about" she asks

"Just how I'm not going to see you for the next month" I say my voice breaking as I say the word 'not'

"I know. It will be hard but we can make this work. I want to make this to work. I love you so much" she tells me

"So do I. I love you and I've loved being with you for the last few weeks. It's just going to be strange not having you around all the time" I say and squeeze her hand slightly.

"We've done this before and it's only 4 weeks or so right. And we both gonna be busy with work so the time will fly by" she says.

I lift up our hands and kiss the back of her hand. Shes moves closer and rests her head on my shoulder.



A few minutes later the taxi pulls up to the terminal drop off. I see Hero is about to open his door and I put my hand on my arm to stop him.

He turns to face me and he has a confused look his face.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. People may see us" I say.

"I guess you're right" he says

I wrap my arms around him and he hugs me tightly. He kisses my neck as we hold on to each other.

We break away and I kiss his lips and say "I love you. I'll see you soon"

I turn to open the door and Hero says "Have a safe flight. Call me as soon as you land ok. I love you"

I turn back around and give him one last final kiss. I climb out of the car and close the door. I grab my case and head into the terminal and over to the ticket counter.

I think to myself this is going to be one long flight.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thank you for all reading and voting for my previous chapters!


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