Chapter 40

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I lay awake, looking at Jo and waiting for her to wake up. Even when she's asleep, I'm in awe of her beauty.

I still don't know what I did, to deserve this angel that lies next me. She must sense my gaze upon her, as she begins to stir

"Morning sleepy head" I say and lean over and kiss her

"Morning" she replies "How long have you been up?" She adds

"Awhile, I was unable to sleep" I reply

"Aw why's that babe?" she says

"Dunno.....Delayed jet lag maybe?" I tell her.

I've never lied to Jo before, but I can't tell her the real reason why I couldn't sleep.

"I guess you can always have a nap before we go out tonight" she says

"Yeah" I say

She moves and snuggles up close to me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her that little bit closer to me.

She rests her head on my chest and I lean down and I kiss the top of head.

As I breathe in, I catch the scent of her apple shampoo that she always uses.

"I guess we should get up. My dad likes to put in a full feast at breakfast for New Years" Jo says as she moves off me and peels back the cover

I watch her walk over to chest of drawers. She picks up the hair brush and brushes her hair.

She turns round and see me watching her.

"What?" She says waving the hairbrush

"Nothing" I say, as I lick my lips. Gosh shes so perfect

I throw back the cover and walk over to the chair and slide on my trakkie bottoms. I take Jo's hand and we head out to the kitchen.

"Morning kiddos" Jo's dad says as we enter the kitchen

"Morning dad" Jo says and kisses her dad on the cheek

"Head outside you two, I've set up the table for breakfast. Your mum and Kath are out there already" Jo dad says to us

I turn to Jo "You head outside, I'll join you in a sec, just gonna see if ya dad needs any help" I tell her

"Ok" she says. She kisses me softly on the lips and heads out the sliding door

"Do you want any help with anything?" I ask Jo's dad

"Your ok son. It's all under control" he replies

He turns to me and places his hand on my shoulder. "How did you sleep? And how are you feeling the morning" he asks

"I didn't get much sleep....." I say rubbing my eyes

"Your'll be fine son" he says and gives my shoulder a squeeze

"Thanks. And thank you for our chat the other day. It meant a lot" I say.

"Anytime" he says with a smile

I smile back at him and head out to the garden.



We all head into town for the night. We arrive at the restaurant just in time for our reservation due to traffic and road closures.

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