Chapter 23

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*This chapter includes mature content*


I wake up full of excitement, like a child at Christmas. I haven't been to a theme park in ages. I used to go with the boys a lot when we were younger.

I roll over and see that Jo is already up. I throw a pair of joggers and I head into the kitchen.

"Morning babe" I say as I walk over to Jo. I kiss her forehead.

"Morning. I'm making some pancakes" she says.

I lean against the counter and watch her cook. I look her up and down and lick my lips. Shes dressed casual but still looks hot in what she's wearing.

She has on black Rolling Stones tour T-shirt and a pair of jeans. A pair of jeans that make her bum look amazing.

She turns around and hands me my plate.
I look down at the plate and see that she has made Mickeys face using the pancakes and some blueberries. It cheesy but makes me smile.

I head to the table with my plate and Jo follows. She sets down a mug of coffee next to me. She sits down opposite me and drinks her orange juice.

After breakfast, I jump in the shower and get dressed. I head back into the lounge, where I find Jo is sitting on the sofa reading a book.

She looks up as I enter the room. "You ready babe" she asks

"Ready when you are" I reply

"Cool, I'll order us an Uber" she says as she closes her book.



After going on most of the popular rides, we decide to have a break and get some lunch. We get some fries and a coke and sit at one of the tables in the sun.

"So what ride next?" Hero asks dipping a French fry into some ketchup.

"Erm how about the Mad Hatters Tea Party ride?" I say, fully expecting Hero to say something sarcastic about spinning teacups

"Ok, sure" he says nodding and smiling

"Really" I question

"Really, If you wanna go on that ride, then we'll go on it" he replies and dips another fry into the ketchup.

"Oh and I wanna see the parade" I add

"Sure, It starts in the next half hour, according to this" Hero says looking at the fold up map of the park.

I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

"What was that for" he asks

"Just you being, you" I simply reply and he smiles.

Hero is always so polite and always thinks of others. Sometimes I think he's is too good for me.

After lunch, we head over to the parade route and find a spot.

"One second, I'll be back" Hero says and disappears into the crowd.

Within minutes he reappears.

"Here you go" he says as he hands me the biggest portion of candy floss on a stick, I've ever seen.

"Aw babe" I say taking the bright pink candy floss.

We watch the parade and eat the huge mound of candy floss. Once the parade finishes, we head back to more rides.

As it starts to get dark, we decide to head back. Hero is leaving for London tomorrow afternoon and still has to pack.

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