Chapter 28

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I wake up before Jo and get out of bed and head over to the phone. I order us some breakfast to be brought up to our room, as a little thank you for this weekend.

I then head into the bathroom and have a quick wash. I head back into the room and get dressed. Just as I'm dressed, I hear the light tap on the door, signalling that our breakfast is here.

I open the door and wheel in the little trolley.
I then walk over to the bed and wake Jo.

"Aw babe, thanks" she says, as she gets up and sees the food. She kisses me on the cheek.

"I didn't know what you'd want, so I ordered a bit of everything" I tell her

"I can see that" She says grabbing a piece of fruit.

I place all the plates of food onto the table and we sit and tuck into the breakfast feast before us.

"Thank you again for planning this weekend" I say

"You don't have to keep thanking me but you're welcome" Jo says and smiles at me.



We check out of the hotel and head to the rental car. Hero puts our bags in the trunk.

"Do you want me drive today?" Hero asks

"No it's ok and thank you for offering. Plus it's your birthday weekend, so just relax and enjoy " I tell him

He walks over to me and put his arm around me and pulls me in for a kiss.

When he lets go of me he takes the keys from my hand without me even noticing what he was doing.

"I'm driving today" Hero says waving the keys in the air

I try to take them back but he straightens his arm up. I try to get them by jumping up but he is just too tall. Hero laughs as I attempt to retrieve the keys from him.

"Ok you win" I say and head round to the passenger side.

"Thank you" he says and gets in the drivers side.

I grab the sat nav and program in the route. I've planned a little stop off on the way, at La Jolla. I place the sat nav back on the windscreen.  

Hero starts the car and heads out of the hotel  car park and heads towards the freeway.

After about 20 minutes we arrive at La Jolla. Hero parks up and we head down to the beach.  We decide to sit up on the grassy area and find a bench.

We sit down on a bench, I rest my head on Heros shoulders and his put his arm around me. We look out at the sea. It's so peaceful here.

After awhile, we decide to walk up and wander round the little shops and boutiques.

We grab lunch from a little cafe and then head back to the car.



We arrive back at Jos' apartment just as it starts to get dark.  I park up outside her apartment.

"When have you gotta return the car" I ask as I switch off the engine.

"Wednesday evening. So I can drop you off at the airport before I return it" she answers with a smile.

"Ah cool" I say and smile back. "I'll bring in our bags" I add

"Thanks" she says and unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car.

She heads up to her apartment and I follow shortly behind with the bags.

As I get to her front door, I oddly find it closed. I set down the bags and knock on her door. Moments later she opens the door

"Sorry about that, it must of closed on me" she smiles, spins around and heads into the lounge.

I follow her into the lounge.

"Surprise" I hear as I enter the lounge

"Shit" I exclaim as it makes me jump

"Happy birthday" Jo's friends say in unison.

"Thanks everyone" I say placing my hand over my heart.

I look around the room and there is banners and balloons.

Jo walks over to me. I wrap my arms around her and peck her on the lips.

"Thanks for all this" I nod to the decorations around the room

"It was all Mia and Hadleys idea" Jo tells me.

Jo breakaways from our hug and stands next to me. I leave my arm around her and my hand resting on her hip.

I look over to Mia and Hadley "Thanks"

"No problems" Mia says. She walks up to me and hands me a present

"Aw thanks, but you didn't have to get me anything" I tell her as I take the neatly wrapped present

"It's only a little something" she says and smiles.

I sit down I the sofa and open the present and it's a box of mixed Australian sweets.

"Thanks Mia" I say looking at the different items

"Well you've tried most American sweets, so I thought you should try some from Australia" she replies

"Ah cool, thanks" I add



After a few hours of drinking and chatting to different people, I tell Hero that I'm tired and i'm heading to bed.

"If you wanna stay up and enjoy the party some more, I don't mind" I say as i turn and face him

"No, I'm good, I'm tired and plus I wanna be with you" He says and leans down and kisses me

"Eurgh, get a room" Hadley jokes

"We are and your room is next door remember " I joke to Hadley and wink at her.

"Ewwww" she jokes back

"Night guys" I say

"Night everyone and thanks for the party and thanks so much for all presents" Hero says

He takes my hand and leads me to my bedroom. He closes the door and then takes my hands in his.

"I know I've said it already but thanks for this weekend. It's meant a lot. Not sure I deserved it all the fuss though " Hero tells me

"Yes you do and it's your birthday and I wanted to treat you. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me" I say

"Thank you again. And you mean so much to me, I love you so much" he says and kisses me passionately

Thanks for reading this chapter!

Hope your still all liking my story!

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