Chapter 34

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When we walk into Martha's house, Mercy  greets us in the hallway. She walks up to me and throws her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey. How are you?" she says.

"I'm great thanks, you?" I say back

"Yeah I'm a bit hungover but I'm good thanks. I love your dress" she says as pulls away from the hug

"Thanks" I reply

"Come on in" she says and takes one of the bags from me.

"Thanks" I say and follow her into the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm great too, thanks for asking" Hero mumbles behind me

When we reach the kitchen, I see Martha is busy preparing all the food. She turns round as we enter the room.

"Josephine my darling" she says. She walks over to me with a big smile and hugs me tightly.

"Hi Martha. Thanks for inviting us over today" I say

"Your welcome my dear. I wouldn't have you anywhere else today" she say still holding on to my arms

"Oh, these are for you." I say, as take the flowers from Hero and them to her. 

"Ah, thank you. They're beautiful" she says

"Here mum, let me put them in a vase" Mercy saying taking the bouquet from Martha

"Thank you darling" she says as she hands Mercy the flowers. She turns back to face us.

"Hey son" she says as she hugs Hero.

"Hey mum" he says, as Martha kisses his cheek

"Do you need any help or need me to do anything Martha?" I ask

"Thank you, but it's all under control" she says with a smile. "Oh, I'm so happy that I have both of you here this year. Right who wants a glass of bubbly"

Martha hands Hero a bottle of champagne to open, while Mercy gets four glasses out of the cupboard.

Hero opens the bottle and fills up the glasses. Mercy hands me a glass and I thank her.

"Cheers" Martha says

"Cheers" the three of us say in unison.

Hero takes a sip and then places the glass down. He places his hand on my hip and I turn to face him.

"I'm gonna put the presents under the tree in the lounge" he kisses my cheek and walks out of the kitchen with the bags of gifts.

"You guys go and relax. Dinner will be about another hour. And hopefully Titan will be here by then" Martha says checking her watch.

"You knew he'd be late mum" Mercy says and Martha nods in agreement.

Mercy then links my arm and we join Hero in the lounge.



After we've finished Christmas lunch, we all make our way from the dining room and back into the lounge with our drinks.

Jo and I sit one sofa, Mercy and my mum sit on another and Titan sits on the floor.

"Right. Time for presents!" Mercy announces

She jumps up and walks over the tree. She grabs a present and reads the label. I already know who the gift is for.

"For you" she says as she hands the gift to Jo

"Go on, you can open it" I prompt her

She reads the label, looks at me, smiles and then opens the present.

"Oh my god. It's beautiful. Thank you" she says. She turns to me and kisses me.

She then takes out the rose gold bracket that I got her. She turns back to me.

"Can you help me put it on, please" she says.

She hands me the bracelet and I do up the clasp.  She then moves her wrist and the bracelet catches the light as she moves.

"Ok next one is for" Mercy grabs another present and reads the label "for mum" . She hands our mum the gift.

Mercy continues to hand out the rest of the gifts, one at a time.

The last gift handed out, is Jo's gift for me.

"I hope you like it" she says to me

"Of course I will" I say

I rip open the gift wrapping and then open the box. I turn to Jo

"Wow. I love it. Thank you" I say. I take the pocket watch out of the box and admire it.

"Are you sure. If not, I can exchange it" she says

"No. I love it thanks. I've wanted one of these for awhile actually." I add.

"I know. I saw you looking at one a few weeks back and tried to remember it's design" she says

I place it back in the box carefully. I lean over and kiss her and thank her again.

"Right, I'm gonna make us all some Tea" My mum says as gets up and she then heads into the kitchen.

After we've all finished our tea. I announce that Jo and I, are going to head out, as I wanna take Jo somewhere.

"Where are we going?" She asks

"It's a surprise" I tell her as I hand her her coat and we head out the door.



We walk along the embankment hand in hand. It's so beautiful in London at Christmas and all the lights along the riverside are twinkling.

I can't stop looking at all the Christmas decorations everywhere. It all looks so magical. We find a quiet spot in front of Tower Bridge and stop for a moment.

I lean against the wall and Hero stands in front of me and he wraps arms around me, he leans down and kisses me.

"It's so beautiful here. Thank you for bringing me here" I tell him

"Your welcome. I thought you'd like it here" he says.

I turn around and look out to the river. Hero places his hands around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. We just look out at the river for a few moments.

"I love you" he whispers into my ear and then her starts kissing my neck.

I turn back round to face him and kiss him passionately.

"I love you" I say.

He smiles, he then takes my hand and we start walking along the embankment again.

I intertwine my fingers with his. I feel so happy in this moment. Hand in hand with the man I deeply love.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks again to all who've read my story so far!

Keep safe


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